I touch Cullen’s leg.
He turns his head and grins at me.
“You’ll know when, love,” he whispers.
“When, what?”
“When it’s time for us,” he says.
“Are you turning me down right now?”
“I would never turn you down, Jaci. Or turn you away.”
I grit my teeth.
Everything he says feels too perfect.
Now I end up thinking about how perfect Cullen is… minus that one little part where he had blood on himself…
Next thing I know we’re at the giant house for theHeirs.
Cullen grabs my hand again and we hurry inside.
Toward the stairs.
Up the stairs.
Toward my bedroom.
Into my bedroom.
Cullen then ends up behind me.
Hands on my hips.
I groan in my throat.
I imagine him bending me over and-
“There you go, love,” he whispers.
There’s a hard-shell guitar case on the bed.
“Did you buy me another guitar?” I ask.
“Nope,” he says. “This is a gift from someone else.”
“What? Who?”
“Open it, Jaci.”
I smile and wiggle my toes as I flip up the metal latches.
I open the guitar case and let out a gasp.
It’s the guitar Aidley was playing when I played withPawn Charm.