Page 234 of Dirty Princess

“Name it, love,” Cullen says.

“Get everyone together. It doesn’t have to be here. But I want everyone together. I guess as many as you can convince or command.Heirs. Savages. Thorns.I have something to say.”

“You know aSavagedid this, right?” Mattia asks.

“That’s what we’re assuming,” I say. “I’m going to make it known…” I stop talking. “I don’t need to explain anything to you. Just do what I say. This is my thing now, right?”

Mattia flexes his jaw.

“I’ll call my brother,” Cullen says. “Quinn can round up a bunch ofSavages.”

“I’ll take care of Maz and theThorns,” I say.

I turn and look at the counter.

Laz holds out a plate for me.

I grab it and take the sandwich off the plate and take a bite.

Absolutely delicious.

Laz has a great talent with food.

Too bad he’s locked into the mafia world, huh?

I step outside to the porch and the now cold air hits me.

I shiver and take another bite of my sandwich.

This is why I’m here.

This is why I belong here.

I’m good in these situations.

My entire life has been nothing but tragedy.

I know how to handle tragedy. And people entwined in tragedy.

This makes sense to me.

Maybe I’m actually cut out for the mafia stuff after all.

Maybe once I’m done helping Birdie, I can find out who my family really is.

Idon’t spend the night with Cullen and the rest of theHeirs.

I go back to the dorm.

Birdie is asleep in Maz’s bed.

Maz and I nod to each other.

We all end up in Maz’s room.

She and I cuddle on the floor.

Birdie gets the bed to herself.