Page 220 of Dirty Princess

I know this is going to be hard for her.

She’s going to blame herself for not being closer to Birdie.

Maz and I had been downstairs enjoying ourselves.

And poor Birdie was up here in this bedroom…

Birdie puts her head back. “It’s not what you think though.”

“Meaning what?” I ask.

Birdie moves the pillow away from her body.

“I’m not… you know… naked…” she whispers.

“Okay,” I say. “So that means whoever did this… they didn’t…”

“Not like you’re thinking,” Birdie whispers. “I thought it was for fun at first. Talking and flirting and all that. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. I was laughing. Enjoying it. You know, it’s a party.”

“Of course,” Maz says. “You’re allowed to have fun.”

“Then he pulled me into the bedroom and slammed the door,” Birdie says. “He locked it. He became aggressive. Pulling at me. Tearing at my clothes. He kissed me and it was gross. I didn’t want him to keep going. He kept trying. He kept… touching…”

Birdie presses her knees tight together and shivers.

“He was grabbing,” Birdie whispers. “Forcing…”

“Who was it, Birdie?” Maz asks.

She shakes her again.

“I can help you,” I say. “We can all help you. Just tell us.”

“You don’t fucking get it,” Birdie says. “He was wearing a mask!”

My heart sinks faster than it ever has before.

I hate myself for thinking it… but…


“What kind of mask, Birdie?” I ask.

“It doesn’t matter now,” she says. “You know he’s long gone, right? I managed to punch him in the nose. He started to bleed, called me a cunt and took off.”

“Birdie, you have to tell me what kind of mask he was wearing,” I say. “Was it…”

I can’t bring myself to ask the question.

I can’t picture it…

“It was some clown mask,” Birdie says. “Some goofy looking clown mask.”

I shut my eyes and hate myself for sighing with relief.

My poor best friend is in shock, she’s scared half to death and she’s still very drunk.

“Okay, we should get you out of here,” Maz says. “We’ll carry you outside and get you home. Jaci will go clear a path. Nobody will know a thing. Okay, Birdie? I swear to you.”