Page 130 of Dirty Princess

It smells the same, like it used to.

“Fay!” I call out. “Fay! Are you in trouble?”

I race toward the kitchen just in time to see Fay standing up from the kitchen table.

A cigarette between her pointer and middle fingers of her right hand, a long ash hanging on for dear life like a crooked finger.

She looks at me.

She smiles.

I don’t smile back.

I can’t smile back.

Fay’s right eye is all kinds of colors and she can’t open it.

Someone has beat the shit out of her.

Chapter 32

“Fay,” I whisper.

I take one step and she sticks her cigarette-holding hand out. “Jaci. What are you doing here?”

“What happened to you?”


“Your right eye…”

“Don’t worry about that,” she says. “Is Marty still out front?”

“Yeah. Why? What’s going on? What’s the deal with you and Marty? Are you two…”

Fay laughs. “He wouldn’t know what to do if I gave him the chance.”


“Jaci Ruby,” she says. “You left. You’re supposed to be gone for good. That was the plan.”

“What plan? I didn’t know I was part of some plan.”

“Look, you have to leave,” Fay says. “Okay? I know it all seems fucked up. And it is. But I need you to leave right now. And stay atDSC.”

“I have a lot of questions for you, Fay.”

“I’m sure you do. But right now? It’s not going to work. Got it?”

“Why? Is it because of your face? Tell me what happened.”

“Work related injury,” Fay says with a smirk.

“Oh, right. Anursingaccident? Is that what it was?”


“Wait a second,” I say. I step closer to her. “Did someone at work do that to you? Did your boss or someone? Wait, did a customer do that? Fay…”