Page 5 of Leap into the Dark

She swallowed, and he studied what he could see of her face from above. Lips parted, breath short, which caused her chest to rise up and down beautifully. If she had shown a single sign of fear, he would have stepped back and given her some space. But she didn’t.

“I saw your work three years ago when you were featured in ‘Inked’. The follow-up videos your shop did on YouTube were gorgeous, though the word doesn’t even cover how wonderful they were. Since then, I’ve followed you on social media. Your work is so unique.” She looked up. “Both of you.”

Hannibal wanted her to stare up at them like that, but without so many clothes on.

“Is it me, or do they look l-like they’re about to kidnap our instructor?” Cami’s badly whispered words broke the moment, and Jade quickly slipped out from between the two of them with a pretty blush coloring in her cheeks.

“Sorry, ladies.” Her words were breathy, making both men smile.

“It’s all right, honey,” Val said. “We know a Dark Sons man can be as distracting as tits on a pig.”

Jade clapped her hands together. “All right, let’s finish up this workout. Then you ladies can tell me whether you want to come back again. If this was a unique enough workout for you?”

Ink chuckled next to him.

“What’s that laugh for?” Cami put her hands on her hips with a scowl. Of all the women here, she was definitely the biggest spitfire.

“Nothing.” Ink shook his head. “I think it’s adorable that you guys think this is a workout.”

Hannibal winced at the condescending tone that came out of his Brother’s mouth. He might agree that this was better described as playtime than a workout, but insulting someone’s business was never a good idea. From the displeased looks on all the women’s faces, it seemed they agreed that Ink was being an ass and disagreed with the validity of the statement.

“Not a workout? What do you think a ‘real’ workout is?” Jade put her hands on her hips and gave his Brother a scowl that should have warned him he was on shaky ground.

His Texan Brother’s raised eyebrow stated clearly he wasn’t planning on backing down. “Weights, running, I guess biking or swimming. That’s a workout. This might be enjoyable exercise.” Hannibal was glad to hear him pause and hoped it meant he was really considering the words that were coming out of his mouth. “I wouldn’t call it exactly a workout.”

She crossed her arms. “Not a workout. Huh? Since this is all I do, I guess you think you’re in better shape than me?”

Hannibal groaned and tried to rescue the situation. “I know I like your shape a lot better than his.”

She didn’t appear like she was interested in his flattery.

“Personally, I think weights are a nice warm-up for a real workout.” Jade raised her eyebrow and gave them an adorably challenging look. “Something that works the whole body.” The way she said those words had dirty images flicking through his head. “I mean, what’s the purpose of a workout? If not to get you ready for action?” She turned back and faced the women. “See, that’s the problem with most men. They are so focused on making themselves attractive that they forget the practical reasons behind a workout. So they bulk up. But what good is strength if it isn’t put to use?”

Hannibal shook his head as the challenge lit up his Brother’s eyes. He had no idea where this was going. But it was going to be one hell of a ride.

Chapter 4

There is nothing more satisfying than beating your personal best, except maybe beating an arrogant man who thinks he is better because his reproductive organs are on the outside.


Jade smirked as Hannibal dropped off the rope that was the final obstacle on the easiest of the gym’s courses. After goading them into the challenge, she’d let them pick which of the many options, they would use for their competition. It wasn’t a surprise they picked the one most resembling those used by military and police personnel.

The terms were simple. If they won, she would go out with the winner. If she won, they agreed to move her tattoos up to their first available slot and do them for free. That last part had been Pixie’s doing. The idea of being able to use the money she’d set aside for the tattoos on something else thrilled Jade. Or she might think up a second tattoo for each man to do for her.

Watching the two men navigate the phase one obstacle course had her heart racing. Her panties were also embarrassingly damp. Which confused her because she watched at least twenty people traverse it a day and had never once found it sexy.

Newbies trying to navigate the cargo net at speed was always good for a smile. The next obstacle wasn’t difficult, but the height of the monkey bars over the foam pit could cause people to balk at navigating the thirty rungs. After jumping down, the final obstacle, a climbing rope, reminded most people of their elementary or middle school gym days. Training or incredible upper body strength was the key to success with that. She often found joy in teaching someone to overcome what, for some, was a childhood nightmare.

Jade fought to keep a smile off her face. She was overly excited, but Hannibal and Ink were here in her gym. She was competing against them. The number of hours she’d spent staring at photos of those two men and their work was slightly embarrassing. Seeing them in person was so much better.

She’d almost groaned out loud when they had taken off their leather cuts. Her secret dreams were becoming reality. In her mind, they hadn’t stopped at the one article of clothing. Watching their muscles move as they worked their way through her obstacle course would fuel her fantasies for a long time.

Hannibal was pure power. His large muscles bunching and flexing through the shirt he wore, sparked the desire to trace every bulge on the man’s body. His hair was shaved close to his head, and he gave off a powerful, almost intoxicating sense of barely contained strength. Unfortunately for him, he had very little technique. But there hadn’t been a single moment where she worried he wouldn’t power his way through whatever obstacle lay in front of him.

Ink, on the other hand, was grace and sleek strength. He had a slow, lazy movement style that matched his dirty-blond country boy good looks. Everything he did looked effortless. Like waves in the ocean, his power was deceptively calm until it pulled you under.

Their completion times weren’t exactly bad. The two men had done better than most newbies on their first try. However, she ran through these obstacles all the time. The time they had spent on the cargo net alone guaranteed she wouldn’t have any problem beating them.