Page 13 of Wicked Proposal

The door slams, disturbing my train of thought. The sound echoes through the house and I know she’s taken the easy way out. I don’t go after her, instead I give her some space first, then I’ll go after her. She can’t get away from me so easily this time.



The further I’m away from Troy, the better. I can still taste him on my lips, feel the weakness in my legs as he drained every bit of pleasure from me. My mind isn’t on the road at all; it’s on him. I hate him.

But do I?

Do I really?

After what we’ve just done it’s safe to say not. He’s always had a way of making me want him. And I’ll be honest, I’ve never stopped wanting him, but he is bad for me. He hurt me so much.

Instinctively, my tongue darts out and licks across my lips. They still tingle. No, I won’t think about it. He’s a liar. Everything he does is always for himself, something he can gain.Yeah, and you’ve just let him fuck you, again.I want to tell that little voice in my head to shut the fuck up and stay out of my business, but all she’ll do is smile and give me the middle finger.Bitch.

Pulling up at my little two bedroomed house I park on the drive, turn the engine off and sit there for a moment. My head is all over the place, but still my fingers touch my lips. I’ve tried not to think of him since I left home but as I said to Troy when he asked, he’s always been there in the back of my mind. I’ve done everything I wanted to do, all at my father’s disapproval but still proved him wrong. I’ve travelled, I’ve had my own showcases and I’ve done it on my own merit; why the hell do I need him now?

With renewed determination, I step out of my car, lock it up and head into the sanctuary of my house. Dropping my handbag on the couch I go straight to the kitchen and pull out a bottle of white. I need a shower. I can smell him on me, still feel his lips on me. When I clench my thighs together, God, I can still feel him inside me.

Opening the cupboard door, I take a glass out, place it on the counter and screw the cork out of the bottle. The glugs are hypnotising as it pours from the bottle… I take a sip, well more like a swig. I need it after today. Then like a bolt of lightning out of nowhere, I suddenly remember that I’m supposed to go back to Kellie at the gallery.


Placing my wine and the bottle back on the counter I go into the other room and reach into my bag to find my phone. When my screen lights up there are already three messages waiting for me to reply. One from Kellie and two from Troy. I take it back to the kitchen with me, I don’t want to answer Troy’s, not yet anyway, so I bypass those and open Kellie’s.

Kellie:Hey, babe. Hope everything went ok, text me when you’re on your way. X

There isno way I can go back there today. I can't bring myself to concentrate on anything and she’ll want all the gory details. I’m not ready yet.

My fingers fly across the keyboard as I reply to her message:

Hey.Can we have a rain check on the wine? It’s been a long day but I’ll tell you about it tomorrow. Are you good to close up? x

The bubbles appear soI wait for her message to pop up.

Of course.You know where I am if you need to talk, just call me. Please don't bottle anything up. x

I won’t I promise.And thank you. I’m so glad I have you. x

With Kellie appeased for now,I go back to my other messages. I have to pull my big girl knickers up and read his messages.

Troy:Are you okay? You left so soon.

I can picturehis moronic smirk as he typed it. So, I skip it and open the next one.

We need to talk,Emily. We have a lot to discuss.

No,I can’t. How can I go back there now? I left him after sex. When did I turn into such a bitch? “No chance.” I snipe, closing off my messages. Sliding my phone across the counter I grab my wine and turn my back to the counter. As I lift the glass to my lips, I hear my phone vibrating. I look over my shoulder and see Troy’s name, so I let it ring out. I take another big gulp of my wine and decide on a shower. Rid myself of the day, even though it’s still early. I climb the stairs and start stripping off my black skirt and white blouse, kicking my shoes of the threshold of the bedroom as I reach it before carrying on into the bathroom. Going straight to the cubicle, I turn on the shower while I undress. I shout to Alexa to play Meatloaf and volume up, and then step inside the cubicle, dragging the door across as the first notes of Bat Out of Hell come on and I stand beneath the steaming hot water. I don’t want sad songs. I need something loud and uplifting; after all, my dad has just landed the final blow. I’m upset, I’m angry and what better music than Meatloaf to get your feelings out. I sing along to every word of the song. It was my theme when I left home.

If only he’d have listened to me. I felt like all those lunches we’d had, and the talking we did was for nothing. I don’t want his fortune, but I still would’ve liked the family home.

Once I’m washed, I step out and wrap myself in a towel from the shelf, wrapping my hair in a smaller one then I head for my room, where I dry myself and dress in a pair of joggers and cropped vest. I rub some moisturiser over my face leaving it free of makeup. All I want to do is just slob around in my own company. As they say, misery loves company.

Unravelling the towel from my hair, I drop it to the floor and throw my head over, dragging the brush through the knots in my hair before flicking it back over and twist it into a bun, secure it with a hair elastic and go back downstairs to my wine.

As I enter the living room, I switch Meatloaf from my speaker upstairs to the one down here and waltz into the kitchen picking up my wine again and check my phone. There are missed calls and messages from Troy. Fuck him. I’m not answering him. I start to open them one by one. When he sees that I’ve read them and not replied he’ll realise I’m ignoring him.

Troy:I know you enjoyed it, just like I did.