Page 63 of Meant to Be

Sighing, I grab the sheet by the door and sign my name and record the time.

“Don’t forget to let your parole officer know why you’re out so early.”

“Will do.”

I don’t waste any more time, I run out of the door, as she shouts good luck, and into the waiting car, quickly putting on my belt.

As soon as Jack lets us in, I run up the stairs to her bedroom.

“Shelby, I’m here babe.”

“Oh God Jax, it hurts so much.”

“Just squeeze my hand, whatever, to make it easier.”

“The contractions are fifteen minutes apart still, Jaxon. The hospital won’t have her in yet.” Anna sighs.

“Really? So she’s got to be in all this pain until they speed up?”

“I’m afraid so,” Anna says softly.

Smoothing my hand down Shelby’s face, I let her grip onto me as she sits between my legs. Placing my lips on her head, I help her through her next contraction.

Chapter Twenty


After twelve hours, Shelby is still in labour, time's pushing on, and I’m scared I’m going to have to go because of this poxy curfew.

“Shelb, I need to go and make a phone call. I’ll be two minutes.”

“I don’t want you to leave me.” She cries clutching on to my jacket.

“Just a minute, I promise, but if I don’t make this phone call, I’ll be in big trouble.” She nods and let’s go of me while sucking on the gas and air pipe so I can walk away. I tell the midwife I’m stepping out for a second and go over to Jack in the waiting room.

“Can one of you go in with Shelby for a minute. I need to make a quick call.”

” Your girlfriend is in labour.”

“Jack, I need to call my probation officer, if I don’t and I’m not back, I’ll be on my way back to prison. What do you think this is for?” I lift my jeans above my ankle to show him my electronic tag.

His eyes close on a sigh… “Sorry son.” I don't answer him. I probably shouldn't let Jack feel guilty, but right now, all I care about is staying out of that hellhole and being with my girlfriend, proving to her that I can be something.

“I’ll be as quick as I can.” Jack nods as he stands to join Shelby and I go out the doors where I can get a signal.

I wait for Mr Farmer to pick up. “Mr Cartwright, is everything okay?”

“Hey. I know I have a curfew, but I have a problem. My girlfriend is in labour and has been for twelve hours, I’m not missing my son’s birth.”

“There’s a curfew in place for a reason.”

“Yeah and does this not come as a special circumstance or something.” It’s quiet on the other end as I wait… “Look, if you don’t believe me come to the hospital, the maternity ward and ask for Shelby Andrews. You’ll find me there, but I’m not leaving - I’m just letting you know.”

I don’t give him time to answer, I put the phone down and go back to my girlfriend.

Three hours later and she’s still having contractions but nothing else. The midwife gives her an internal.

“Okay her waters still haven’t gone, and she’s fully dilated. I’m going to burst them. Hopefully, this will speed things up.