Page 45 of Meant to Be

“I need to get going. Mum will murder me if I don’t go to school.” Harry says.

“Yeah, okay bud. Thanks for being here.”

“Anytime.” Shaking my good hand, he leaves the room.

“Harry?” I stop him before he reaches the door, “Can you ask Shelby to come please, if she can?”

“I’ll ask her” With a small pitiful smile he walks back through the door and an officer walks in, taking a seat in the corner.

After more tests and being poked and prodded with needles, I’m ready to be discharged. My head is a mess. Thoughts of Shelby and what she had to do to our baby swamp me. I want to text her, ring her, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Harry came back for a bit after school, but that was it. I thought she may have come up to see me now that I was awake. We could have talked about what happened, but then again, I did walk out on her - leaving her to deal with her mother even though I said I’d be there. I can’t blame her - I thought we had more than this. Harry doesn’t mention her if he can help it. I know I’m not going to see him again before I get sent down.

What the fuck was I thinking?

There’s a reason I don’t drink a lot, I obviously have an addictive personality like my parents. I’m surprised my Aunty hasn’t been here to gloat, telling me how much I’m like them.

Instead of torturing myself anymore, I try to get some sleep. I know first thing in the morning I’ll be up and out of here to my new home, I imagine.


I can’t stop crying.

I want to go to him, but she won’t let me.

All I see is his tortured face in the clinic, begging me not to go through with it. The nurse was so good with me. She knew I couldn’t do it. While mum was out of the room we talked, she calmed me down and told me to go back when I was in more of a sound mind.

Harry texted me to tell me Jax was okay and all I wanted to do was go to him, but he probably hates me anyway.

He’s going to prison, I know that with the charges he has I’m not sure how long he’ll be there for.

Pulling out my phone, I pull up my dad’s address again. I can’t stay here. I don’t want to even look at her, let alone be in the same house.

Rolling from the bed, I wipe my face and pull out a bag, shoving some clothes inside. I put my things I want the most with them. My laptop, iPod, chargers, a notebook and all my revision stuff, then make a call to Harry.

“Hey, you okay?” He questions.

“Yeah. I’m leaving.” I reply shortly


“I have to leave, Harry, I can’t stay here with her. I hate her. I’m going to my dad’s.”

“Does he know?”

“Nope, I’m getting a taxi. I have a bit of money, and then I’ll take it from there.”

“What about school?”

“I’ll figure it out, don’t worry about me.”

He laughs, but not in humour, “How can I not worry about you, Shelby. You’re my friend - it’s what friends do.”

“Harry…” I groan, “I’ll be fine - I promise.”

He doesn’t answer straight away, but I do hear his sigh at the other end.

“I’m going to the police station in the morning to see what’s happening with Jax,” he pauses, “He asked about you, you know?”

My heart sinks when I hear Jax’s name. Knowing that he wondered where I was breaks my heart even further.