Page 44 of Meant to Be

A sad smile pulls at his lips. Leaning my head against his shoulder, we take the lift down to the exit.

Once I’m home, I let myself in, go upstairs and crawl into my bed. This day has officially sucked.

I grab the teddy from my bed, it’s the last present my dad bought me. It’s weird how you’re drawn to one specific item. Holding him against my chest, I bury my face into the softness of his fur and sob.

Chapter Fourteen


“Mr Cartwright, are you back with us?”

The lights are too bright. Squinting, my eyes begin to focus.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital, Jaxon.” There are two nurses, a doctor and Harry.

“Why am I here?”

“You were in a car accident mate.”

“Where’s Shelby?” I force out. I try to look between the bodies in front of me, but I can’t see her.

“She’s been here, but she had to go home.”

“I bet she did. Why can’t I move my head?” My eyes going in the direction of the copper sitting in the corner of the room.

“You’re in a collar, we need to make sure there’s no injury to your spine.” the doctor answers.

“Do you remember anything, Jax?” Harry asks, frowning.

“I remember being at the clinic, that’s it.”

“I think you drank your bodyweight in Vodka then wrapped your mum’s car around a tree, taking parked cars with you. You’re being charged as soon as you’re ready for discharge.” Harry informs me with a disappointed shake of his head.


“Physically, you’re ready for discharge, but medically, I’d like to keep you here a while longer.” The doctor tells me.

“From one prison to another huh…?”

“Jax, you have no-one to blame but yourself. No-one made you drink the way you have been.”

“Whatever.” I have a sip of the water from beside me helping rid the dryness from my mouth. I look at the faces that are all staring at me while the nurse takes the glass from me, “Am I some kind of sideshow?” I snap.

The doctor nods at the nurses, they leave the room leaving just him and Harry.

“Are you in any pain at all Mr Cartwright?”

“A little bit.”

“Okay I’ll get the nurse to bring some pain relief, and as long as you’re okay today, I’ll discharge you in the morning. I’ll keep the police out as long as I can.”


I look down the length of my body and see my leg in a cast, and I have one on my arm too.

What the fuck did I do?