“Yeah, yeah, so you keep reminding me.” Uncovering my face, I look up, deciding to defend myself, “I don’t know anyone else in my year that gets held prisoner though. Addison can do what she wants as long as she gets her homework done…”
“Hmm, so I’m just meant to give in, so you can go around like some tearaway?”
“You know what mum, I don’t care because I’ll be eighteen soon and then you can’t stop me doing anything.” I turn to my side and face the wall respectfully ignoring her.
I hear her sigh and the door shut. Knowing she’s left me, I roll to my back. My eye catches the large calendar on my wall. Getting up, I walk over to it and look at all the exam and revision dates, there’s a line through this week’s dates, going back to Saturday, I have a lightbulb moment and realise I haven’t had my period. I’ve been taking my pills so why haven’t I come on? Maybe it’s stress?
I get changed out of my uniform to head downstairs. I take my debit card from it and push it into my back pocket along with my phone and go into the kitchen.
“Is it okay if I pop down to the chemist. I’m going to get something to settle my stomach, you know I can’t have time off, so I need to do something.”
“Don’t be sarcastic Shelby, it doesn’t suit you.”
I don’t give her any comeback; my eyes nearly roll out of my head instead. Putting my trainers on and grabbing my jacket, I walk towards the door grabbing my hoodie; pulling it over my head, I hear mum call out...
“Do you want me to take you down in the car instead?”
“No thanks. I could do with the air.”
Walking out of the door, I let it slam shut and head off.
Instead of going to the chemist I went to our nearest supermarket and pick up something to settle my stomach and a pregnancy test. My hand shakes as I pick it up but I’m not going to stress, it’s just a precaution. I’m not that naive to think it can’t happen the first time. I also know the pill isn’t a hundred percent effective and I only have myself to blame in all this.
My phone rings in my pocket. I pull it out and look at the screen seeing Addy’s name light up.
“Hi. What’s up?”
“Are you allowed out yet?”
“Nope.” There’s loud voices behind me, so I move to a quieter corner.
“Where are you then?”
“With your mum?”
“No, she’s let me come here all by myself... aren’t I all grown up?” I say sarcastically as Addy laughs. “I need something to settle my stomach. I can’t afford the time off school… in fact, can I come to yours from here?”
“Yeah, of course, you can, you don’t have to ask.”
“I’ll be about fifteen minutes, but I can’t stay long.”
“Okay, see you soon.”
I end the call to Addison and take my items to the express till paying five pence for my carrier bag so I can hide what I have. Once I get my receipt, I bolt out of there and head for my best friend’s house. She’s the only person I can confide in if all this goes tits up.
When I get to Addy’s I don’t explain anything, I just ask for a large glass of water. She runs the tap and pours me a glass of water.
“Yep." I gasp from the coldness of the water I’ve just drunk down. “Can I have another?”
“Help yourself.”
I refill my glass and drink some more until I’ve had too much and feel sick again.
“I have to tell you something, but you’re not allowed to tell a soul; not even Harry.”