Page 24 of Meant to Be

“It won’t be long babe, just hang in there.”

“I know, but once these are over, we have a short break then we're off for Christmas, then we have shitloads of revision to do for the main exams. I don’t think I can do it.”

“Yes, you can." Jax stops me, "I believe in you.” Pressing his lips back to mine I let him kiss me, his kisses takes my worries and stresses away. “Come on let’s get out of here for a bit.”

“I can’t, my mums only out shopping, she could be back anytime.”

“Come on Shelb, I need to spend some time with you …” His dark head dips down as he trails sweet kisses down my neck.

“Jaxon.” Stopping him with my hands in his hair, his gaze raises to mine. “Please don’t make it harder for me.”

His custom smirk soon drops to a guilty expression.

“I’m sorry.”

“Come and meet me Monday after school, she isn’t back until six, we will have at least two hours to ourselves.”

He nods reluctantly but doesn’t look happy.

“This is bullshit.” Jax growls, “She can’t control you forever Shelb.”

Cupping his face in my hands, I make him look at me.

“I know, and I promise once my exams are over, I’ll tell her. I just don’t need any more stress on top of it, this is the easiest way. I promise you, Jax, I just need you to do this for me…” I plead. “After the exams, there’ll be no stopping us.”

A sweet smile pulls at his lips, “I love you, Shelby.” Lifting his hand, he caresses my cheek, “If it stops that dragon from upsetting you, then fine.”

A huge smile fixes itself to my face causing my cheeks to ache. “I love you too Jax.”

“I’ll see you Monday.” Jax pulls me back towards him. After another kiss, I get out of the car and run back to the house and back up to my room before mum gets back.


Taking a cigarette from the box, I place one between my lips and light it up while I wait for Shelby. Leaning my back against the gates, I take in a long draw and watch the students as they walk past me. Some are in groups, others on their own. Being tall has an advantage. I stand up straight and look through the crowd, that’s when I see her dark hair. I take one last drag on my cigarette and flick it away. Taking a stick of chewing gum from my pocket, I pop it into my mouth letting the minty taste hide the smell of tobacco.

As soon as she notices me, she pushes through the crowd and runs towards me, dropping her bag as she gets nearer, she leaps forwards. Using my shoulders, I let her lean on me, taking her weight as she jumps up and wraps her legs around me, flinging her arms around my neck, her lips mould to mine. Dropping my hands down, I link my fingers at her bum and hold her up, holding her as close as I can while I kiss her. Once she’s had her fill, she untangles her ankles and drops her feet to the ground, takes a few steps back and picks her bag up from where she dropped it. I take it from her and place it on my shoulder. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I pull her into my side and we start the walk back.

“I’ve missed you…” I tell Shelby unashamedly. Smiling as she looks up, she pushes up to her tiptoes and kisses my cheek.

“I’ve missed you too.”

“So what’s the dragon saying now? Are you still grounded until you’re thirty?” My eyes roll with the stupidity of it all.

“What will you do if I say I am, come and rescue me on your faithful steed?”

“What the hell’s a steed?”

“Do you not know? Oh my god. Fairy stories you know…?”

I shrug having absolutely no idea what she’s talking about.

“Okay, so maybe you don’t know princess stories… but you have to know Shrek? Please tell me you’ve seen Shrek?” She looks up at me wide-eyed.

“I don’t think so…” I shake my head not caring.

“I don’t think we can be together anymore…” she screeches and removes my arm from her, stepping away.

“Are you serious?” I ask feeling the deep-set scowl as it embeds into my forehead.