Page 21 of Meant to Be

"I feel close to you, like I can tell you anything.

"I'm glad you feel that way."

Inhaling a deep breath, he begins. "My mum isn’t like most mums, and I don’t have a dad, I'm afraid I'm going to mess up because of my fucked-up parents."

“Your parents don’t define you, Jax. You can be whatever you want to be.”

“You think so?” His intense dark eyes stare into mine.

“Yeah, I do. I know they’re supposed to guide us, but it’s not always the case, sometimes you have to make your own path.”

“My Mum is an alcoholic.” His statement floors me.


I’m a little lost for words…

“I didn’t realise. I’m sorry.”

Lifting his hand, he tracks his finger down my cheek.

“You are the best thing in my life right now. Mum hates me, my Aunt hates me because she says I’m my father’s child and says I’ll turn out like him….”

“But isn’t that more reason to not be like him and prove them wrong?” I ask cutting him off.

“How do I do that?” Jax shrugs, “I came out of school with nothing, I haven’t got a job... I have nothing….”

“You’ve got me.” Cutting him off again, I look at him, “I mean it, you have me - I’ll help.”

He rolls over me, hovering, as he holds his weight on his elbow. His fingers threading into my hair, while his palms cup my cheeks, his thumbs smoothing across my cheekbones.

“I’ll be better for you.”

“I don’t want you to just do it for me, Jax. I want you to do it for yourself, to prove to you that you’re better than the rest - to prove them wrong. I like you for you. You make me happy.”

Giving him a small, shy smile, my head dips as I look up at him. Placing his finger beneath my chin, Jax lifts my chin then tips it back to look in my eyes.

“You don’t get to go shy on me after that speech. I think you’re way too wise for a sixteen-year-old.” He kisses my nose, my forehead then my lips, wrapping me in his arms and holding me close to him, feeling his warmth.

Pulling away from him I question, “Do you think I’m too young?”

“I’m not saying that I’m saying I think you’re more mature than you should be.”

“Hmm, maybe. I think that’s what my Mum always aimed for. She didn’t want me to make stupid mistakes like she did. She’s kind of kept me sheltered, but I hate it. How am I supposed to learn if she doesn’t let me see for myself if she doesn’t let me be a teenager? I hate it sometimes, she’s really strict.” He holds my gaze.

“Well, I’m here if you want to be bad.” He arches an eyebrow with a wicked grin which makes me smile again. “What time do you have to go home?”

“I’m not going yet.”

“Good, let’s try and get some more sleep - I’m knackered.”

Jax rolls to his back and pulls me with him, so I’m stuck in the crook of his arm. I drape mine across his stomach, tracing my fingers lightly over his abs; before we know it we’re both asleep again.

My eyes flutter open, and we’re still in the same position we went to sleep in. Squinting to look at my watch I just make out the time and see that it’s almost eleven.


Looking up at Jax I see he’s still flat out. Instead of waking him, I slide out from his arms and get up. I put last night’s clothes back on and have a quick wash. Taking the hair elastic that I always keep on my wrist, I put my hair in a messy bun, kiss Jax on the lips softly and make my way out of the house.