Page 65 of Meant to Be


Every morning, the first thing I do when I open my eyes is look at my beautiful family and smile. There was a time I didn’t have anything to smile for. I was a waste of space with a drunk for a mother and a worse father who abandoned us for his own needs, but it was the best thing he ever did for me.

I always vowed if I ever became a dad, I’d never be like either of my parents and my child would always come first. I think I’ve managed that goal already.

The best thing that could ever happen in my life was meeting Shelby Andrews. She may have been young, but she stood by me. She loved me for me and was my biggest cheerleader from day one. She supported me when I leaned on her and tried to shove me in the right direction when I seemed to be taking the wrong one.

If I could take back everything that happened; I would in a heartbeat. The only thing I can really do is make sure I stay on the right path. With Shelby by my side and my son, I know I have every intention of putting the bad behind me.

Shelby and I visited my mum's grave. There wasn’t much there, just a small headstone. Harry’s mum had her cremated because as much as the old bag used to crone on about family - she was as bad as her. She just stuck around and enjoyed spreading her misery to Harry.

Harry and Addison are still very much a big part of our lives and Samuel’s, we wouldn’t be here without them.

Looking to the side of me, a smile creeps onto my face as I watch Samuel sleep in his cot, while Shelby sleeps snuggled into my side as she always does. I still... we still have a lot to learn, but every day is a different one. It took a long time to get here, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.