The timer goes off on my phone. My stomach flutters with the unknown.
“You look first?” I prompt Addy. I can’t, I’m too scared to look. I sit on my hands to calm the shake in them, but my knee bounces instead.
She slowly turns it over, both leaning forward, we look at the window.
I’m frozen, I can’t move. I can’t speak.
There it is, written in black and white, jumping out at me. The truth staring me in the face.
What the hell do I do now?
“Shelb, I don’t know what to say?” Addy says clasping my hand with hers.
“Oh shit.”
Pushing the chair out, I stand up, my hand on my brow. The sweat begins to bead, and my stomach churns again. Before I know it I'm sick in the kitchen sink.
“Ugh really? I’m going to have to disinfect that now before mum gets back.”
“Sorry.” I weep.
“Oh Shelb,” She rushes over to me wrapping an arm around me, “Don’t cry. It’ll be okay.”
“No, it won’t.” She hugs me tightly comforting me as I withdraw into myself. “I better get going. Mum will send out the search party. She might think I’ve been abducted by aliens or something, only that would be a good thing right now.”
Smirking, Addison hugs me, whispering in my ear. “Will you be okay?”
“I have to be.” I shrug, moving away and putting everything back in the carrier bag, then hug Addison again. “Thanks.”
“I’m always here. Text me later.”
I nod and walk out. I make the short walk home, but I don’t remember it; I’m numb.
When I get back home, I go straight upstairs, ignoring mum shouting at me. I change into my pj’s and get into bed. I ignore Jax’s messages asking if I’m okay. I hear mum come into the room, but I pretend to be asleep. She leaves me though, thank the lord. I hid my tests under the bed as soon as I came in so she wouldn’t see them. I need to get everything straight in my head before I speak to anyone.
It doesn’t take long to doze off, though into a dreamless sleep.
I’ve rung four times in the last hour, I rang her twice last night and sent messages, but I got nothing back, I don’t understand…. We were fine when I dropped her off. Maybe she had another argument with her mum. I try again, but it just rings out. What the fuck is going on? My patience is wearing thin, and I’m one step from going around there, but I know she’ll get into a load of trouble if I do that. I don’t want to make things worse for her because then I’ll never get to see her.
I ring Harry next and wait for him to pick up.
“H, do you know what’s up with Shelby?”
“Not a clue mate, maybe you should ask her?”
“Do you not think I’ve tried, dick.”
“I’ll ask Addy, see if she knows.”
“Let me know, she’s not even answering my calls or my messages.”
“You know cuz, maybe she doesn’t want to talk to you.”