Page 1 of Meant to Be

Chapter One


“Bye Mum.” Pulling the door shut behind me, I head off to school with my best friend, Addison. It’s September, a new term and the start of year eleven - our final year of high school. I hate school... that’s probably a lie actually - I’ll just be glad to leave. I’m very intelligent and in top sets for almost all my lessons. That’s not a personal perception, but one from the teachers - I hate the tag that goes with it though, ‘swat, brownnose, teacher’s pet...’ I’m none of those things. They don’t bother me though, because nine times out of ten, it’s those very people that ask me to help them with their homework or to help them study for an assessment. Then they’re laughing on the other side of their faces because they have to be nice to me, or of course, if they really wind me up, I make them apologise to me first. I love to watch them squirm. There’s always some kid that likes to make you feel less than they are at school, but I don’t worry about those, they’re not worth my time and effort.

My mum is constantly on my back to work as hard as I can, she wants me to be successful - like her. Personally, I think she wants it more than me, but I’m going to try my hardest.

Walking through the gates, we see Harry Cartwright. Man, that boy is gorgeous. His dark hair is styled on top and shaved at the back, and with his dark eyes and the dimple in his cheek, it makes for good scenery in this crappy school. Although the crowd he hangs around with seem a bit dodgy.

“Oh my God, Shelb, he’s so hot.” My best friend Addison elbows me excitedly.

“Who?” I ask nonchalantly.

“Don’t give me that crap... you know who I’m looking at.”

I smirk knowing she’s talking about Harry.

“Come on,” grabbing her by the arm, I pull her across the yard with me for registration.

“Just one more look, pleeease.”

“Nope, we’ll be late. Anyway, he’s in our registration form - you can swoon then.”

“Don’t tell me that he doesn’t do something to you?” Addison stands still, her arms waving in front of her.

“He’s good-looking, I’ll admit, but I’m not going to give him a reason for his head to swell anymore. Plus, I’d be just another girl out of many that would fancy him.”

“There’s something wrong with you,” Addison says, laughing as we walk to our classroom. Following her in, we take our seats at a table right at the back of the room. The tables we choose today will be ours for the next year or so, depending on when we leave of course.

Wow, I still can’t believe we leave so soon, we’ve got a hard few months of revising and exams coming up though. If I mess about, Mum will kill me. I made her a promise I’d do well, so I’m going to try, at least.

Addison elbows me again but in the ribs.


She widens her eyes and looks to the front of the classroom, which is when I hear our teacher calling my name…

“Earth to Shelby.” Smiling to cover up my embarrassment, I lift my hand slightly.

“Yes Sir, I’m here,” he grins at me but shakes his head then goes back to the register. I look around the room until my gaze meets the alluring one of Harry Cartwright. He’s staring right at me…

Oh God, that’s all I need. Addison will go mad if she sees him looking at me. He smirks a kind of lopsided smile, it’s quite cute, to be honest. Looking away from him I find something else to fix my sights on, I can’t afford to be getting involved with boys this year.

The bell goes for the end of the day. I’m walking towards the doors as Addison jumps on my back. My rucksack falls to my forearm as I grab her legs and push through the crowds. I drop her outside the doors.

“You’re such an idiot. Addy.”

“It’s why you love me.” She shrugs. “So, did you see any more of that hottie, Harry?”

“No, he’s not in any of my lessons, I thought he’d be in yours.”


She links her arm with mine as we walk towards the main gates of the school and of course you’ve heard the saying… ‘talk of the devil and he shall appear,’ well yep, he’s outside the gates with his friends. Some of them I recognise from this school, but the others aren’t from here, if they go to school at all.

“Wow, aren’t they the hottie gang!” Addison stares and speaks loud enough for them to hear her as we walk past them. A couple of them wolf whistle, Addison looks back and smiles.

“Will you stop,” I whisper loudly.