Parking behind Chris’s Audi, I walk into the house. I asked Chris to pick me up but Taylor turned up, not that I mind of course! Taylor’s sitting next to Todd, they’re laughing about something but I ignore them both and greet my Mum with a kiss, then go back into the lounge and sit down.
Closing my eyes all I can see is the image of Darcy. Fuck. Darcy… that’s a hot name!
“Dude, you should’ve seen my mechanic today, fuck!”
“Got a thing for mechanics now, bro?” Todd winks his eye and I realise then how it sounded when I said it.
Rolling my eyes and sighing I say, “Fuck yeah I do when they come in the tight little package like that one today did. Shit! Red hair, dirty overalls, I’m telling ya, bro, she was drop dead gorgeous!
“Yeah, she.”
“So, when are you taking her out?”
“Ah well, we’re going to talk about that another time, she’s um…” I rub the back of my neck as I think what to say, “She’s a tough one to crack.” Avoiding my brothers’ stare, Taylor bursts out laughing.
“Oh my gosh, Adam, really? She didn’t look very happy with you when she brought your truck out, in fact I’d go as far to say that if looks could kill you’d be on the floor, mate.” I watch as she turns back to Todd, “I don’t think she fell for his so-called charms…” laughing, she leans across and kisses Todd’s cheek, smacks his thigh and stands still sniggering.
“You’re just jealous, Tay, I mean, you could have had this, but nooo…” I motion up and down my body with fingers and raise my one eyebrow at her, “I mean I am the hotter brother!”
She cups my face with her hands. “Aww Adam, you really are delusional. I do love you though.” Taylor kisses my cheek then turns to face my brother.
“Todd, sort him out?! I have to go, Chris is on nights.”
“Don’t forget your dinners,” Mum says as she walks in from the kitchen with a crock pot in her hands. Taylor takes it from her and gives her a kiss to the cheek.
“Mum, you’re amazing. Thank you.”
“Later's.” Taylor shouts from the door as it bangs shut behind her. Taylor started calling our Mum ‘Mum’ after she came to terms with what her own mother done to her, that woman really was vile! What kind of mother abandons their child and returns later when they’re older just because they’re sick? Taylor didn’t have a ‘real Mum’ for years, so our Mum dotes on her.
“Your mechanic was a woman then!” Todd asks.
“Ahh yeah, a fucking gorgeous one at that.” Shaking my head in Todd’s direction, “dude, I think I’m in love! She had oil smeared up her face and these dirty overalls tied at the waist and big boots, she had red hair and these cute freckles… she’s every man’s wet dream! Fuck, she was hot!”
“Owww!” I shout as Mum smacks me at the back of the head for swearing... again. She always catches me.
“Adam, your mouth is pure filth. I know you’re an adult but really – all the time?! Now come and get your dinners.”
Getting up grumpily, I make my way to the kitchen while Todd laughs behind me.
“Shut it, you’re as bad as me!”
Todd continues to laugh and whispers from behind me close to my ear, “Yeah, but not in front of Mum, you tool and you’re not exactly quiet about it.”
I sit down at the table still rubbing my head, tuck into dinner and wander off into my own world.
Lying on my bed after dinner, hands crossed behind my head, relaxed; the hot little redhead from earlier today passes through my mind, Darcy. She seemed kind of angry, moody. I can cope with that, I just need to think of a way to get through to her. I wonder if I can make an excuse to go back to the garage… hmm, give it a couple of days. I’ll be back.
Pulling over my laptop I open my word doc and start writing, something I’ve had no desire to do in a while.
A couple of days of writing and I’m beginning to get cabin fever, I haven’t been able to get Darcy out of my head and I need fresh air. Jumping in my truck, I head out and as always, my camera and laptop get placed on the back seat because you never know when inspiration will strike.