Page 62 of Just Friends


“Yeah, shit. And Rebecca’s not at home, is she?”

“No. But, she’s fine…”

Rebecca grabbed the phone from him. “I’m fine, Daniel,” she said and listened for a minute. “Just tell her you found me, talked to me, and my phone died. I’m a little hung-over but perfectly safe.” She paused while Dan said something Weasel couldn’t make out. “I’m not asking you to lie to her. Everything I said is true…” Dan started speaking again. “No, he didn’t take advantage of me. That’s a ridiculous question.” She paused for Dan to say something. “Fine. If you tell her that you found me and I’m safe, I will tell her everything.” She disconnected the call and sat the phone back on the counter. Wordlessly, she moved back to the couch and covered up with the blanket. “He’s not that bright,” she finally said.

“What do you mean?”

“Autumn knows I left with you and that I’m safe. She’s just sent her special forces husband to track us down and see if anything happened.”

“Can we just tell them about us?” She didn’t respond but took a long drink coffee. “Come on, two of them already know.”


“Ben figured it out. You left teeth marks on my neck, babe. It’s a wonder they all didn’t notice. Not that I’d mind.” He sat on the other end of the couch. “I don’t wanna be your dirty little secret.”

“Autumn and Hannah,” she started, “have wanted us together for a long time. There are a lot of expectations there…”

“But, Hannah’s always talking about setting you up with someone.”

Rebecca laughed. “She’s just doing that to incite you.”

“Incite me to what?”

“Make a move on me. They both do that….”


“That’s why I know that she’s just dying to find out if anything happened.”

He remembered a few months back when they walked in on the girls talking about someone being a man-whore. “I’m the man-whore?” he blurted out. Rebecca squeezed her eyes together and scrunched her face up so tight he worried she might implode.

“No?” she squeaked.


“Well, Hannah hears all kinds of gossip at the beauty shop and just stupid rumors.”

“Then ask me if they’re true.”



“I don’t need to know about anyone before me. You don’t want to hear about any men before you. Do you? Any lovers that I had––”

He growled, “Stop.” She was a gorgeous woman who could have her pick of guys; he didn’t want to even think about any other man with his hands on her.

“I don’t want to know yours, either.”

“So what, someone’s out there talking about my sexual history?”

“More like, a woman you picked up in a bar sitting in Hannah’s chair getting her hair done.” He leaned forward and rubbed his forehead. Jesus, he never picked up girls in town. He’d never wanted to be in the line of duty and come face to face with someone he’d slept with. Always careful to never let that get too close to home, but it did anyway. “Chatty girl. She gave some details about your––”

“You don’t have to keep going.”

“It’s true?”