Page 34 of Just Friends

Her laugh dissolved into a moan as he made himself at home again. He took his sweet time moving slowly; it drove her up the wall. She tried to encourage him to go faster, but no. Then he stopped, motionless inside her, again. Her breath unsteady. “Why?”

“I’ve never done this without a condom before,” he admitted, his breathing as uneven as hers. “I don’t want to come too soon.”



The stillness sent sensations building through her demanding he move. “Deeper, now,” she insisted; he complied. The movement pushed her over the edge; she threw her head backward hitting his shoulder crying out his favorite expression in the most intense climax of her life that kept on going. If he hadn’t been holding onto her waist, she wouldn’t still be standing. In seconds, he too went over with her name on his lips.

She gasped for air, not sure if the whimpering was her, or him, or both of them. “Are you in pain?”

“Not even close,” he responded, face buried in the crook of her neck.

After washing (somehow she ended up smeared with dirt), they exited the bathroom wrapped in towels. “You said a bad word.” Weasel grinned. Rebecca flushed. “I liked it.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward his bed. “I wanna make you repeat it; followed by ‘me.’” Her mouth fell open in surprise. “Maybe throw in a ‘harder’ or ‘slower.’ Tell me what you want.” He dropped his towel and climbed under the bedcovers making room and rolled to his side facing her.

“You need sleep.”

He motioned for her to join him. “I’ve been a man in a desert for nearly a year; sleep will wait.”

“In a desert?” Hadn’t he had sex in almost a year?

“And you’re the oasis.”

“That’s the corniest thing you’ve ever said,” she smiled.

Weasel grinned. “You’re gonna deny a thirsty man water? Now, that’s the corniest thing I’ve ever said.” Grinning, he patted beside him again. She closed her eyes, trying to bite back a smile, shook her head at herself, and let the towel slide from her body. A rumble of appreciation came from him; his gaze slid down her and brought a look of lust to his face.

“You’ve already seen it all,” she added, sliding under the sheets next to him.

“You’re so damn hot,” he replied, voice timbre low. “See what you do to me.” He lifted the covers and revealed that he was already ready, again.


Rebecca couldn’t wipe the smile off her face on the drive home. She’d snuck out of Weasel’s house after he’d crashed into a deep slumber. Insatiable, it’d taken two more times before he gave out, not that it hadn’t been great for her. Even bruised up and running on little sleep, he hadn’t rushed and took his sweet time driving her out of her mind. But now back to the real world, and she drove home commando. And as if on cue, her phone rang. She sighed and pressed the button, “Mom.”

“Well, it’s about time you answered,” Ellen said.

“It’s been crazy. I’ve had to step in and cater at Huntington Farms a couple of times on top of everything else.”

“Is it at least a proper chef job?”

“I’d say so. Last night I made a four-course dinner for an anniversary party.”

“That’s better than that trash heap of a diner.”

“Mom…” Tired of the same conversation they’d been having for years.

“Am I supposed to sit idly by while you waste your talent there?”

“What if I’m happy?”

“You’re not.”

“I’m not?”

“Of course not. And now Kyle can’t hold you back. I was so worried you’d marry him and make the same mistake I did, settling down in that Podunk town. Don’t forget you promised me.”

“I could never forget that.” All of the relaxation she’d gained from multiple orgasms, gone. “I’ve got stuff to do.”