“God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
“And what can we not accomplish if we have God’s grace and God’s favor?”
She wanted him to keep talking. Loved listening to him, loved knowing that he believed what she did, that he brought out things she hadn’t considered before, that he shone a light on them so that she saw them slightly different and had a deeper understanding.
But they lapsed into silence, and finally she asked the question nagging her since earlier in the afternoon.
“What did he mean when Mr. Brown said to you that he hoped you found what you were looking for, and you said you thought you found some of it?” She closed her mouth and then said quickly, “I hope I’m not prying.”
Maybe it was presumptuous of her to assume that if he would tell Mr. Brown, he would tell her as well. Maybe they weren’t as good of friends as what she wanted to think.
“I’m looking for a house. I found a couple, but they were sold before I made an offer on them. I was being too casual about my search, and the market’s pretty tight right now.”
“Oh. That’s what you meant?”
“One of two things, I guess. I know where I want to live.”
“Here. Sweet Water. It’s the best place I’ve ever been.”
“I haven’t been very many places, but I have to agree with you. Sweet Water is awesome. I have no desire to leave.” She gave a little embarrassed laugh. “I still live with my parents. Well, my mom. And I know that’s kind of unusual, but our family seemed to bond after Dad died. Coleman was always a little different, maybe because he was a boy, and the oldest, or whatever. He was independent and didn’t fit in as well, but for my sisters and I, we’ve all been very happy to stay home with Mom, working together.”
“I admire that. Must be nice to have such a great family.”
“Oh, it was. Not that we never fought or anything, I just know I never thought about moving out and getting my own place. It seems to be what everyone thinks you should do. But... Why not stay with your parents? Why not be with your family? Aren’t you stronger as a unit?”
“You are. I wonder if that teaching is a little bit from the devil. Not that I think the devil goes around teaching things, but the Bible does say he goes to and fro over all the earth, seeking whom he may devour. Lions don’t attack animals who are firmly in the middle of the group. They attack the ones who are alone. It makes sense that he can devour someone who’s alone a lot more easily than he can get someone out of a group.”
“Wow. I never thought of that. That... That is intriguing.”
“Yeah. It wasn’t something that was front and center in my mind either. After all, I’ve been alone for a long time.”
“Since you moved out of your mom’s house?”
Chapter 16