"Glad you agree." I add a wink to the smile I give him for effect, assuming he'll appreciate the joke. I figure I may as well ham it up. "We can live under the stars and—"

"Sleep on damp earth with unmentionable things slithering over your precious skin at night and sticks poking into your back?" I can't see his expression, but laughter is clear in his voice.

"Depends on the stick," I sass.

He growls and nips my neck playfully, making me giggle with delight. I am giddy with joy and never want the wonder of this moment to end. Or the night to end, or my time with him. I never want to leave, but despite my protesting, he helps me to my feet.

"Come on, let's get you dressed and home."

Home.I love the sound of that. I grab our shirts, and we slip them on. He helps me shimmy into my pants before we begin walking home. But I'm not in a hurry because returning to the house means separating. Or at least going to our individual rooms. I get that Gretchen supports us getting together, but sharing a bed on our first night together? Um… I'm not sure how she'd feel about that.


"Draven–" We say each other's name at the exact same time. "Jinx!" Laughing at the coincidence, I poke his chest playfully.

He chuckles. "You first, Beauty." He cups my face and kisses my cheek. "What did you want to say?"

How do I describe the ways being with him has changed me in such a short time? How do I tell him that I never want to leave? He wanted to say something too, and seeing as he's already let me come first,snort,it's only fair he speaks his mind.

He, he, he,look at me, loosening up. Draven's good for me. He's helping me loosen up and become my own woman. Fearless and fun. "You go first. What did you want to say?"

The moon is high in the sky, and the long shadows cast by tree branches are beautiful to me. Everything is still and perfect.

"I don't want you to leave." He threads our fingers together and presses his lips to the back of my hand.

His breath tickles my skin, and a giggle escapes my lips. "I only just got here. I'm not planning on going anywhere."

"That's not what I mean." His voice is thick with emotion. "I'm not joking, Beauty. You're precious to me."

It feels like he overwhelmed me with lust only moments ago, and now he's soothing me with sweetness. My heart swells with tenderness and longing. "I traveled a long way to find you. You can't get rid of me that easily, you know."

"You're a stubborn little thing." He chuckles softly, squeezing my hand as we walk through the woods. He is quiet and thoughtful, and the only sound is the rustle of grass and the occasional twig snapping under our feet. I sense a shift in his mood and wait for him to speak.

"Beauty, I've lived an insular life, carefully built on the premise that I needed to hide from the world…." His voice trails away.

My heart begins to speed up from fear he's going to say something I'm not going to like. "No. I know what you're going to say, and I don't want you to say it. I'm happy in Screaming Woods with you and Gretchen."

Draven wants me. His need calls to a deeper part of my heart, answering a yearning for the need to belong to something greater than myself. The need to belong to someone who truly sees me for who I am. Someone who loves every part of me.

Fast as lightning, the protest falls from my lips. "I don't need anything else. I'm happy here."

Draven clears his throat. "What about regular things like going out to dinner?"

Who cares whether we do any of those so-called 'normal' things? What's normal, anyway? I don't value any of those things anyway, and I don't want him to feel uncomfortable. Or worse, put him at risk of being seen or judged unfairly for the way he looks. No. There's a reason he lives the way he does. I want to care for him and protect him from harm the same way he protects me.

"I'll fly to the moon and back with you, Draven Woodburn. But I don't need to go out to dinner, or the movies, or the mall, because we have everything we need right here."

Of course life with him will throw up challenges, but I'm happy for now. He wants me and is determined to have me. I didn't realize part of my heart was ragged and raw until his need and desire helped soothe something deep inside. I don't care what he looks like because he's perfect for me.

"We'll see. Nothing is settled." I sense a deeper level of determination in his voice, but he's holding something back, and I can't put my finger on what it is.

Nature is calling, and the house is still a good distance. "Would you wait here for me a minute? I just need to, ah—"How do I say use the bathroom? Pee in the woods? "Um … Can you turn around and promise not to look?"

"Don't go too far, okay?"

After he releases my hand, I make my way toward a thicket. Although we've already been intimate, I feel weird about him listening to me pee. There's enough moonlight around for me to see shapes and make my way safely to a densely wooded spot. Feeling vulnerable squatting on my haunches, I push my body to do its thing as fast as possible.

After finishing my business and zipping my pants, I am eager to join Draven when a low growl freezes me in place. The snapping of dry twigs draws my attention to the bush beside me. The leaves rustle, sending a chill of dread zipping up my spine. I don't know what it is, but it isn't Draven.