Gretchen smiles softly. “He’ll be fine, but he’s much better for having you in his life.”

I thank her and head to the house. I need to see him and check on the children, but I detour to the dining room to pick up the letter along the way, tucking it into my pocket.

Draven puts his heart and soul into everything he does. When he applies himself, it’s at one hundred percent, and when he applies that enthusiasm to me, magic happens. The sky's the limit where he’s concerned. That’s why I wanted to do something special for him.

His business has gone from strength to strength, not only in financial terms but with feedback from his peers. That's why I submitted his name and company for a series of awards programs, assuming it would take time to cultivate a public presence. I was wrong.

His company won the most prestigious award right away. Just by chance, the awards night has a cosplay theme, so I managed to talk him into attending the event in person. He’s nervous as hell, but he doesn’t need to be. Draven is amazing and making great strides in his personal as well as his professional life.

I’m making friends thanks to my job, and he comes out with me from time to time. Small steps, of course, and we don’t take any crazy risks on account of his impaired vision, but the organizers of the award ceremony agreed to help us.

They don’t expect us to stay for the entire event, and of course we have VIP parking and easy access into the venue. Everything’s taken care of. Well, almost everything. There’s one loose end to tie up, and hopefully the answer I’m waiting for is in the letter.

My dad started sending letters a while back, but I was still hurt and angry, so I ignored them. Gretchen packed them into a box, sagely waiting for a time when I would be ready. I resisted, but eventually, I had something to say to him. I began working my way through the letters, observing the way Dad’s heart was opening to accept me and Draven and the life we’ve chosen to live. Dad’s getting older and seems to be softening around the edges. I guess becoming a grandparent will do that to a person. Although we haven’t seen each other in person, we started talking via video.

I lean against the wall, listening to Draven’s speech as I tear open the envelope and read Dad’s letter. Clutching it close to my chest, I whisper a prayer of gratitude to the universe. I’m beginning to trust him again, so I invited him to join us at the awards ceremony.

If Dad sees Draven in that light, it might help him accept the man inside and help Dad see beyond appearances. I’ll see how he behaves, and if it’s positive, I’ll consider inviting him to our home. I’m willing to take small steps to reconcile, but my priority is, and always will be, protecting myself and my family.

The door to Draven’s office is ajar. I wait outside, listening as he rehearses his speech.

“I’d like to thank my wife, Dahlia, for her loving support. You are my mast in the storms of life.”

Draven’s deep, rich voice washes over me, reminding me why I fell in love with him all those years ago. The emotion in his words works magic, touching the deepest parts of my heart. I wipe the tears forming in the corners of my eyes, listening intently as he continues.

“And for my daughter, who kicks me in the balls at night.” I cover my hand with my mouth to stifle my laughter. “And my son, who is teaching me–”

He is silent for a moment and I hold my breath, waiting for the next part of his speech.

“Dahlia!” Draven pokes his head out the door, raking his gaze over me in the way that promises so much pleasure. “Stop sneaking around and get in here, woman.”

I race into the office, jump into his arms, and pepper his face with kisses. I love this wonderful blue-haired man with all my heart and for all of eternity.

Epilogue Two



I stand obscured in the dark, waiting for her to walk past me. My heart thuds against my breastbone, excitement pumping through my system with each heavy beat. I hear her coming down the path, her steps sure. She's singing to herself, an old lullaby that's far too sweet for the thoughts in my mind.

If she's afraid to be out here alone this late at night, she doesn't show it. Then again, she rarely does. She's nothing if not brave.

I hold my breath as she draws closer, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. She thinks I'm at home. She should know better by now. I'm never far from her. Following her through the dark is my favorite game. I know it's hers too.

Her delicate scent wafts around me. I squeeze my cock through my pants, my mouth watering at the smell. After all this time, she's still my favorite scent, my favorite flavor.

She draws nearer. Only a few feet separate us now. My lungs burn, starving for oxygen.


I plant my feet, preparing to give chase as soon as she runs. And she will. She always does.


I've stalked her through the woods, hunting her like prey so often I should be ashamed. I'm not. She never complains when I catch her. She fights like hell, only we both know the last thing she wants is to win. She wants me to subdue her. She wants to submit. By the time she does, she's soaked and pleading for me to fuck her.

I do. Over and over again.