‘I think today ranks as one of the best.’

‘Only one of the best??’

‘Well, I was pretty happy when my parents bought me my first bike…’

‘This could be a very short-lived relationship, you know!’

‘I’m kidding,’ he laughs. ‘It’s definitely the best.’

We’re interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing inside the pocket of the dressing gown, which got thrown on the floor at some point. I disentangle myself from Toby and retrieve it. The caller ID tells me it’sVoyages Luxes.

‘Madison Morgan.’ I try to sound cool and professional, rather than post-coital and loved up.

‘Hello, Madison, it’s Deborah Reynolds fromVoyages Luxes. Is now a good time?’

‘Absolutely!’I’m standing stark naked in my new boyfriend’s bedroom, but you don’t need to know that, Deborah.

‘I just wanted to say thank you for coming in this morning. As you know, we shortlisted two candidates for interview. You were both very strong, but obviously we only have one position available.’

Oh shit, she’s ringing to tell me that I haven’t got the job after all. I brace myself for the bad news.

‘Mark and I spent some time discussing it after you left, and I’m delighted to be able to offer you the position.’

I’m so delighted I nearly drop the phone. ‘Really? That’s fantastic news, thank you so much!’

‘I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but you were in a totally different league to the other applicant. Your work on the test article was first rate. The fact that you know the company so well from your time as a freelance writer also gave us confidence that you would fit in well here. I’ll send you confirmation in writing, of course, and we’ll be in touch soon to discuss your starting date. Congratulations, and welcome toVoyages Luxes.’

‘Thank you so much for calling.’ I ring off and turn to Toby.

‘I got the job!’ I tell him, breaking into a victory dance.

‘What job?’

I realise that I haven’t told him anything about the fallout from the gala dinner, so I climb back into bed and wrap myself around him. Even though he’s shorter than me, we just seem to fit together naturally.

‘And the best part,’ I tell him, after I’ve filled him in with all the details, ‘is that I don’t have to travel any more, unless I’m actually on holiday.’

‘I’m so pleased for you,’ he says. ‘I’m pretty pleased for me too, actually. I don’t think I could bear being apart from you for long.’ As I snuggle in closer to him, I become aware of something pressing into my thigh.

‘Again? Already?’ I ask him, with a smile on my face.

‘I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Plus, you were just gyrating round my bedroom in the nude!’ he laughs.

* * *

‘There’s one thing that I still don’t get,’ I say to him, much later. We’re sitting at the table in his kitchen, with the obligatory fish and chips in front of us.

‘What is it?’

‘OK, so I think we have established beyond doubt that you’re not gay.’

‘I’d certainly hope so!’

‘When we were in that hotel, with the shower that left nothing to the imagination, I’ll confess that I sneaked the odd peek at you. Did you notice?’

‘There were a couple of times when I suspected, but you looked away very quickly so I could never be completely sure.’

‘You, on the other hand, didn’t show any interest at all. You just buried yourself in your work. So, either my naked body is repulsive to you, which doesn’t seem to be the case if this afternoon is anything to go by, or it would have been fair for me to assume that you weren’t interested in naked women generally.’