‘Yup. I’ll collect the keys in the morning. There’s so much to do now. Although it’s currently a photo studio, the guy that owned it just filled it with crap stuff. I’ve ordered a skip to chuck it all into, and I will have to redecorate before I start installing the equipment I’ve bought. I also want to put in a dressing room and redo the kitchen, so it’s going to keep me busy. I’ve got loads of spreadsheets with plans and costings on, and I’m really excited about bringing them to life.’

‘How long do you think it’ll be before you’re up and running?’

‘I’ve given myself two weeks for the studio. I need that to be operational as soon as possible, as I’m basically losing money until it is. I’ve got shoots booked in, and a grand opening as well, so that should keep me focused.’

‘Can I see it?’

‘Sure. I’ll pick up the keys first thing, and I’ve hired a van to move my stuff from the house into the flat. I should be all finished by late afternoon. Why don’t you drop in around six o’clock if you’re free? I might even manage some champagne, although we’ll probably be drinking it out of mugs.’

‘I’ll look forward to it. Let me bring the champagne though. I’ll come by after I’ve seen Charley and the baby.’

* * *

Toby’s car is parked in the same area of the car park as mine, so we don’t say our farewells until the bus has dropped us. I throw my case in the boot and set off towards home, stopping at the supermarket for bare essentials on the way. I’m always pleased to get back to my little flat after a trip, and this time is no different. I unpack the shopping and my suitcase, and stick a load of washing on, before pouring myself a ‘welcome home’ glass of wine. I have a rule that I don’t work on the first night back from a trip, so I make myself a salad and settle down in front of the TV. Looking at the schedule, my eye is drawn to a programme where a wealthy family and a family on benefits swap holidays, so I watch that while I eat and drink. It’s not long before the travel catches up with me and I sink gratefully into my bed. At first it feels odd without Toby next to me, but the feeling soon passes as I drift off to sleep. My final thought is that I’m looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow. I’ve enjoyed his company much more than I was expecting to.



The next morning is filled with mundane chores, like sorting out the laundry after my back-to-back trips and properly restocking the fridge, so it’s mid-afternoon by the time I pull up outside Ed and Charley’s house. The first thing that I notice is that her jolly blue Fiesta, which she adored, has been replaced by something bigger and probably better suited to carting around baby paraphernalia. No such compromises for Ed, I note, as his completely impractical Porsche is parked alongside it. I’ve got the presents I bought for them in Istanbul in a carrier bag, as well as a bottle of champagne and a lasagne to go in the freezer.

I ring the bell and listen. I can’t hear any crying, which has to be a good sign. After a few moments, Ed flings open the door and envelops me in a hug.

‘Madison! Lovely to see you. Do come in. Charley’s just feeding Amelia, so you’ve arrived at a good time.’

I hand over my bag of gifts and follow him through to their sitting room, where Charley is perched on the sofa, bottle-feeding the tiniest, most perfect-looking human being I think I’ve ever seen. Somehow, Amelia manages to look completely different in the flesh, even though she’s obviously the same baby I’ve seen in the photos. I’m not at all maternal, so the sudden rush of love I feel, both for Charley and her baby, catches me completely by surprise. For a moment I’m overwhelmed by the magic of the scene before me, lost in wonder that Charley grew this tiny new person inside her. I can feel my eyes filling with tears. Charley glances up and smiles at me. She looks tired and pale, with dark shadows under her eyes, but she is also radiant with happiness and pride. I want to wrap my arms around them both, but I think that’s probably impractical, so I stand there foolishly, unsure what to do with myself. Ed has vanished into the kitchen with the bag.

‘Come and sit next to me,’ Charley instructs. ‘She’s nearly finished, and then you can have a cuddle if you like.’

I gently lower myself onto the sofa next to her. I don’t want to risk disturbing Amelia, who has her eyes closed as she sucks intently on the bottle. While Charley finishes up, I look around me. Although most things look the same, there is plenty of evidence of how much the baby has changed everything for them. There is a pile of freshly laundered babygros on the stairs, obviously waiting to go up and be put away, and the dining table appears to have been converted into a nappy changing station, with a pile of nappies, a mat, and a large tub of Sudocrem on it. There’s a little recliner chair on the floor next to the sofa, with a mobile above it. Charley eases the teat out of Amelia’s mouth, causing her face to wrinkle with displeasure, and then gently places her over her shoulder, rubbing her back until she emits the most unladylike burp. I can’t help but laugh.

‘There you go, Amelia. Go and have a cuddle with your Auntie Mads,’ Charley says, and hands her over to me. I remember to support her head and, after a couple of slightly awkward manoeuvres, manage to nestle her into the crook of my arm. She doesn’t make any noise, but her eyes are wide open, her lips are moving gently, and her fingers are curling and uncurling constantly, as if she’s only just discovered them and is testing them out.

‘Oh, Charley, she’s absolutely adorable!’ I exclaim.

‘Mm. Don’t be fooled. She looks like butter wouldn’t melt now, but when she gets a scream on, she can be a right little madam, can’t you, sweetie?’ She leans in towards the baby as she addresses her, and Amelia’s eyes lock on to her mother.

‘Madison’s brought us champagne and a lasagne,’ Ed announces, returning from the kitchen with two mugs of tea, which he sets down next to us.

‘You didn’t have to do that,’ Charley tells me. ‘It’s very kind though, thank you.’

‘I just thought it might help to have a meal you didn’t have to cook,’ I explain. ‘There are some presents too. Nothing big, just a couple of things I picked up while I was away.’

Ed brings in the small parcels and they start to unwrap them. Charley is delighted with the pretty bracelet I’ve got her, and Ed professes to love the silk tie I’ve bought. For Amelia I’ve bought a simple gold necklace that she can wear when she’s older, with a blue pendant on the end.

‘What’s this?’ Charley asks. ‘It’s very pretty.’

‘It’s a Turkish evil eye pendant,’ I explain. ‘It’s supposed to ward off evil spirits. People in Turkey hang them in their homes, wear them, even put them on their pets. It’s supposed to keep her safe, if you believe in that kind of thing.’

‘What a lovely idea. We’ll hang it in her room. Thinking of which, we have a question we’d like to ask you. Ed?’

Ed clears his throat. ‘Yes. We wondered if you would like to be Amelia’s godmother?’

‘Of course, I’d love to!!’

‘Excellent,’ Ed declares. ‘We haven’t organised a date for the christening yet, but once we have some idea from the vicar, we’ll let you know.’

I spend a happy couple of hours with them, catching up on their news and filling them in on my trip with Toby. Amelia drifts off to sleep in my arms, and I find that I keep glancing down at her, marvelling at her perfection. When the time comes for me to leave, I gently hand her back to Charley, and almost tiptoe out of the house so as not to wake her.