Page 25 of Bits and Pieces

“Fine. Let’s do this shit today,” Armor says and looks at the moving truck. “I’m not your fucking shrink or your damn mom. If this is what you want, I’ve got your back. But keep in mind, if you go domesticated daddy in McMurdo Valley, you better still act scary around town. Once our enemies smell even a drop of weakness, they’ll start poking at you and the club. We saw that shit when people thought Ruin lost his balls over Selene.”

“Sure. I’ll remember to slap fools around on a regular basis, so my reputation doesn’t take a hit.”

Armor allows a smirk before walking over to share the plan with Smokey and Dice. I return to the house to find Landry curled up on the couch with Beckett resting next to her. They’re watching a movie. I suspect Rosemary got that set up for them. Blair is reading on Landry’s phone.

After passing Beau shuffling circles around the room as he admires the lights, I take the list Landry made for me. Her gaze finds mine when I reach for the paper.

I think of her that day at the store. She’d been wearing shorts, and the back of her upper thighs was bruised. I’d known even then how her man was a piece of shit in need of a grave. For months, I let her live in that house with that monster. All the while, I dreamed of her here with me.

Landry’s eyes are often filled with sadness, disappointment, and longing. Right now, though, she watches me in a relaxed, almost amused way. Her lips hint at a smile as I say I’ll be back by lunch. I feel her gaze on me as I leave the room.

In my heart, I believe Landry feels potential magic between us just like I did that day. However, my head hasn’t forgotten how blind I was with Kati. Despite what I told Armor, I’m afraid I’ve fucked up again.


Long after Silas leavesthe kids and me in his beautiful house, I’m itching to get back to my dumpy one. I worry he won’t find everything, from the cat to the kids’ favorite toys.

Brooklyn’s already asking about her dolls. Blair’s missing her reading tablet. Beau needs his blocks. So far, he’s entertained by the lights. Soon, though, he’ll fidget and need something to line up.

Beckett’s fine as long as he has his stuffed fire truck and snuggles from me. We rest on the large couch and watch “Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers.” Nearby, Brooklyn sits with Blair while considering if she’s missing out on couch cuddles.

This morning leaves me unsettled. I’m both relaxed and worried. I hide in my head, imagining Silas at the other house. Will he find something that changes his mind about his insane plan? I can’t imagine why he picked me, so I’m unsure what his dealbreakers might be.

I catch Blair watching me in the way she does when she’s struggling in her head. She was so ready to leave last night. Her temper kept her strong through her broken arm and the shame at the clinic. When the doctor asked how she got hurt, she lied like a pro.

Honesty isn’t a virtue in Beehive Ridge. If the police came out, so would Child Services. They might have decided I was the problem. Neal’s family bullies people. My neighbors might say I hurt the kids, just to make nice with the Copper clan. Then, I’d end up on the streets while my babies were raised by people who wouldn’t love them right.

Blair handled last night better than I did. I struggled with the Neal situation, both when he was alive and then dead.

Today, with the sun up and distance from her prison, Blair’s struggling. I ask Beckett to stay with Rosemary while I show Blair her room.

“I go?”

I put my hands in the “T” sign, to mean I need a break. I sometimes use the gesture just to pee alone.

I’m barely down the long hall of the expansive one-story when Beckett starts crying at how I’m leaving. Brooklyn follows her little brother’s lead by screaming and kicking her feet. Beau hears the noise and gets his pre-freakout expression. I start to return when Woodrow arrives and promises they’ll figure it out. He also tells me which room belongs to Blair.