Page 10 of The Star's Sword

He looked down in pleased amusement. “You’re going to be okay, Cleo. They’re always a bit intense when first scenting new blood.” He smiled easily, but there was something tense in his jaw as he nodded to the vampire waiting at the front doors made of elaborate hand-carved glass.

So that’s what it had been, I thought as we walked into the ballroom and perfumes of all kinds assaulted my senses. Roses, jasmine, lily or myrrh, all of the highest quality to my inner wolf shifter’s nose, made me feel nearly faint, as I continued to cling onto Zadis’s arm.

“I should have warned you about that part,” Zadis said, putting his hand over mine to help hold me up.

“Zadis!” Simon said, walking forward in a black satin tux with a comically high-collared cape, sort of like the outfit I’d met him in at the sanctuary. “So you brought Cleo!” Simon’s eyes faded from excitement to panic as he appraised me. “Are you going to faint?”

I shook my head.

“Good,” Simon said, moving forward to take me out of Zadis’s hands and taking my arm in his, his rock-hard hold instantly steadying me as we walked forward. “I have some people I want you to meet.”

Before I could even adjust, Simon pushed me out in front of him, just as a large figure wearing a severe black three-piece suit moved forward to tower over us.

The huge figure stopped immediately as Simon nearly shoved us into each other.

“Hell, Simon,” a gruff, gravelly voice said. “You nearly tripped me.” The huge man tilted his head down to look at me, and I gaped as I noted the broad set of his shoulders, his sturdy build and features. He made a powerful presence, and the extra weight on him only seemed to enforce the foreboding atmosphere around him.

His skin was deep brown and smooth, and his face was handsome, with a somewhat blocky jaw and a strong, aristocratic nose with an arch and thick, bushy eyebrows over intense gray eyes that flashed with specks of olive-green.

His hair was short and dark and his cheekbones caught the light as he slowly studied me.

Then his hand came up beneath his chin and he grinned. “Good blood, this one.” His hand reached out to catch me around the waist and I gasped in offense, stepping back as I felt someone else smoothly come up behind me, holding me at my waist.

I turned to see who had rescued me.


“Ibelieve you owe me the first dance, Cleo?” Zadis said, looking down at me meaningfully.

“I thought you brought her for me, Card,” the huge man said to Simon, folding his arms and blocking our path to the dance floor somewhat playfully.

“I did want to introduce the two of you,” Simon said, as the music started up, a hauntingly sad melody that made you just want to get swept up in it. Simon looked between us nervously. “Well, Zadis, bring her back so she can meet my friend Mark. A courtier with the strength of a prince,” Simon said, putting his hand on Mark’s burly forearm. “You could be a king if you trained with me, you know, instead of coming to these balls.”

Mark gave that a smile then continued to stare at me, appraising me the way a hungry wolf might a young colt. His gray gaze was almost magnetic, pinning me to the spot. It was hard not to feel intimidated by what was probably a three hundred pound, six-foot-seven vampire though.

“We’ll be back,” Zadis said, seeming to sense my freezing and taking the moment to intertwine our hands and grab my waist, smoothly leading me out onto the floor.

I was glad Zadis was leading, practically carrying me amongst the swirling couples, barely letting my feet touch the ground.

I let myself sink into the music, trying to remember the way Sam had tried to help Orpheus teach me.

“I’ve got you,” Zadis said smoothly. “You can step on my feet.”

I moved forward, letting my feet cover his, letting my voluminous skirt hide my boots. Looking into his smiling, reassuring face, my heart warmed, just being with him.

Ever since we’d been friends, there had always been the sense that I could count on him. Unlike the fiery clash between Sam and I, Zadis had always been a bit like being caught in a warm hug.

As we danced though, and the music changed to something a little more upbeat, I felt myself getting lost, to the scents, to the stress, and to Zadis’s beautiful verdant eyes, and the feeling that something was building between us, ever steadily.

As the music was finishing, I saw Zadis look over his shoulder impatiently, to where Simon was still waiting with our new friend.

“Look,” Zadis said, taking another turn around the dance floor so that he could pull me in close and talk to me in hushed tones. “Be careful of vampires like that. They’re consummate seducers and they don’t take no for an answer easily.”

I smirked. “Well, I don’t take someone not taking my no for an answer easily.”

Zadis’s eyes narrowed in confusion, then he shook his head. “I don’t want to see you hurt. Vampires have charm, and glamour, and that is one well-fed vampire.”

“And?” I asked, looking over to see at least a half-dozen well-dressed women were at Mark’s side, trying to dance with him, as he gave them chiding, condescending smiles but shook his head, his predatory, almost glowing eyes moving to catch me watching him, his smile spreading. “So what if he’s well-fed? He doesn’t seem to have any problem getting attention.”