“I promise,” I said, opening my lips, already ready for everything he could deliver.
Then he sealed his lips over mine, claiming me entirely, and pushed me back on the bed, the two of us laughing slightly as we fell into a messy embrace.
No matter what obstacles we faced together, as long as we held onto each other, I knew the future would be amazing.
It had to be.
Zadis was leaning against the courtyard wall, amusement lighting up his face upon my shocked expression at seeing his outfit.
He reached his arms out, the ancient-looking formal wear something a rich vampire fond of pastel blue might own. His velvet coat outlined his broad shoulders and lean waist and hips, and taupe suede pants tucked into shined, knee-high boots.
His rapier was in a decorative sheath at his side.
His black hair was extra rakish ever since he’d cut off the dreads he’d grown as a thrall, since his old fae appearance was returning, along with new hair that was silky and black. It fell in shaggy waves around his face, unlike the black, waist-length wave of hair he’d had when I met him.
He was still undeniably handsome, almost beautiful, like Simon, but more masculine, his face more elongated, his long nose straight, his jaw fae-like but stubborn.
His full, pink lips (still paler than before, but no longer bluish) parted, revealing pearly teeth. “Cleo, looking like that, you make me almost think it might be worth being disemboweled.” His emerald green eyes sparkled, dark, long lashes shading them.
I looked down at the dress Sam had left for me. A poufy number in purple, it was corseted ridiculously and then sprawled out in a huge skirt. It had tiny sleeves, baring most of my shoulders.
I’d figured out quickly that in the mid-realm, clothing was merely whatever the celestial or fabricator wanted to make, from whatever human reference they’d seen in media like books or videos.
No one worried about things like trends, merely style, and Zadis did look stylish right now, if over the top.
Like a dandy from the regency period crossed with an overly decorative pirate.
He extended an arm. “I still can’t believe the incubus is allowing me to escort you to your first vampire ball.” We walked out into the misty street and I was glad I’d at least snuck my boots back on instead of the heels that Sam had set out for me.
Why he wanted me to look this sexy while out with Zadis, I didn’t know.
But as we walked in the direction of Simon’s keep, it seemed to be bothering Zadis also.
“You’ll note he keeps giving me better and better clothing,” Zadis said, looking at the lacy frills extending from his sleeves. To be honest, I couldn’t tell if Sam was trying to help or hurt Zadis with such a lavish costume, so I decided not to comment. “I think he’s starting to like me.” Zadis winked.
I smirked. “I’m sure you’re his favorite thrall.”
Zadis dipped his head, stopping me and making me bump into him, lightly catching my hands. “Am I your favorite thrall?”
My breath caught, and I tried to keep myself open to all of the things I was feeling. The complicated tang of bitterness at the way I couldn’t help wondering why Sam’s possessiveness had waned of late. The way it reminded me of our past. But also, something warm thrumming in the air, between me and Zadis.
If I was honest, and I always tried to be honest, even when it was painfully stupid to be so, there had always been a little something.
But I was from the havens, where monogamy was enforced with nearly fatal consequences.
An omega, a female, was never meant to love another than her alpha.
But Sam wasn’t exactly my alpha. And we weren’t mated, yet.
So as Zadis held me, and I looked up into his undeniably handsome face, his hard body against me, I held still, leaning into the buzz between us I always tried to resist.
“You feel it, don’t you?” he asked quietly, releasing my hands and walking backwards to sit on a crumbling remnant of a wall. “The bond between us.”
I nodded. “Sam’s been encouraging it, it seems.” Or was he just picking up on it?
There’d always been something between me and Zadis, but it hadn’t turned into something more than true, deep friendship until we’d saved each other’s lives.