Page 79 of The Star's Sword

But we barely had time to enjoy the relaxation of the moment, before we heard commotion coming from downstairs.

All of us shot to a sitting position, almost immediately.

“Are you there?” Mark called up, making us all jolt. “I need help down here, with Simon.”

Cold fear moved through me, as Sam instantly stood and helped me up, and Zadis moved into the bathroom to get clothes.

“No time,” Sam said, snapping his fingers so that all of us were clothed instantly in white tee shirts and jeans.

We turned to the door, just as it burst open.


The three of us tried to look innocent as Mark barged through the door, pushing it open so hard it banged against the opposite wall and he had to catch it with his foot as it kicked back against him.

He was carrying an unconscious Simon limp in his arms.

We all stared at him, and I was surprised by how the shock of the moment could jerk my body out of relaxing mode and into go mode.

Then again, I did feel strengthened by my newly formed bond with Zadis, and by feeling a new layer form between Samael and me.

Samael gave me a concerned look as he moved forward to take Simon from Mark.

“I’m going to get Cayne,” Zadis said.

Mark sniffed the air. “Fuck, you three had fun on the dragon wine, didn’t you? Should have waited for me.”

“Maybe next time,” Zadis said, smirking. When his eyes met mine, I flushed, feeling oddly more tension than even before.

Everything was so fresh and new between us. But no matter what, I knew our relationship would be fine.

“So what happened?” Samael asked. “It took you a while to get here.”

“You sent me to find Simon,” Mark said. “It turned out to be more difficult than I thought. That witch was hiding him in the west wing—”

“What?” Samael asked. “They were studying? That wing only has libraries and quiet sitting areas.”

“Well, no, they weren’t studying,” Mark said, folding his arms and pacing as Samael laid an unconscious Simon down on the bed. “In fact, how do I put this?”

Samael came to stand with me, putting a steadying arm around my waist and pulling me over to a chair to sit, noticing my shakiness.

Gods, I loved him. For helping me bond with Zadis, for always only caring about what I wanted. I hadn’t thought I could love him more, but seeing him set aside his possessiveness and truly love me unconditionally, it was like my heart was only more bonded to him.

Mark was still pacing, looking flustered. “Do you have my flask? I could use some wine right now.”

I blinked, wondering what could be making Mark nervous. And what Vasara had done to make Simon unconscious.

Samael picked up the flask and handed it to Mark, who took a long drink.

Then he tossed it on the bed, next to Simon.

“Gods, this is awkward,” Mark said. “Look, I knew that witch was bad, but it looked like she was planning some next-level shit. He’s drugged.”

My stomach was starting to tighten as my brain began to connect dots.

Samael seemed to be coming to the same conclusion even faster.

He moved over to Simon, pushing his black hair off his face and then pulling one eyelid open, then the other.