To my surprise, the clothing was comfy and soft and sparkly. Nothing I was used to, but I did look good. And fancy.
I walked out to turn and show off for Sam and Cayne.
Sam let out a whistle and Cayne grunted his approval.
“I still hate heels,” I said, walking somewhat awkwardly.
“You’ll get used to it,” Cayne said.
“I can’t run,” I muttered.
A hand found mine, squeezing lightly. “You won’t need to. You’ll have me and Cayne with you at all times. Which will help your status.”
Cayne raised an eyebrow at Sam. “Are you going to go all ninth-realm-y then?”
Sam shook his head, snapping his fingers to change himself instantly into a black tee shirt and black jeans, along with his boots. Then he let his wings out, spreading them slightly. “These will be out. That’s all I need to remind them what I am.”
Cayne smirked. “Black wings and all. It’s so badass you don’t hide it, Sammy. So many celestials use illusions to hide their sin count.”
Sam shrugged. “I want them to know I won’t hesitate to murder them if they come for what’s mine.” He looked at me, and my heart warmed at that.
We would fight to the death for each other. We already had.
“I guess we are ready to head out then,” Cayne said.
I glared at his simple outfit. “Don’t you have to dress to impress?”
He grinned. “I’m Cayne. I scare them just by existing, and as I only have this one form, unlike Samael, they all know who I am.”
“What about your mantle?” I asked.
“Worn while on official slaying missions only.” He cocked his head. “Cleo, do you really think people wouldn’t know Simon’s best friend and the former king of hell?” He sighed. “I go to revelries near vampire country, you know. Incubi are great friends to vampires because we can distract a whole audience so they can feed. They only care about sex if they’re getting fed, remember that.”
I nodded. “Mark says he feeds the old-fashioned way.”
Sam’s nose wrinkled. “What?”
“Mark is a gentleman,” Cayne said, nodding approvingly. “One of the gentler vampires I’ve met, despite his strength. I wonder if that helps make him so popular.”
“Gentle?” I choked out. “He threw me across the room.”
“But did he hurt you?” Cayne asked. “Other vampires might have shattered your bones and not cared about it. A vamp of Mark’s age and size could kill almost anything with little trouble. You should be glad he caught you and no one else.”
I blinked. Damn, vampires were dangerous. I’d thought Mark was being rough.
“Anyway, let’s head out,” Cayne said. “I have to figure out what that vampiric celestial is doing with Simon.” His eyes darkened and he turned to head through Samael’s door.
As we followed, I saw Cayne’s hands clench into fists at his side, and Sam and I shared worried glances.
“If she hurts him, I swear,” Cayne muttered under his breath. But he didn’t finish his phrase as we walked out of the cathedral and into the morning air.
Time to see Simon.
We walked through the gates and into the misty courtyard and gardens that made up the space between the four castles that made up this portion of Simon’s keep.
To my surprise, Simon’s home was actually contained in a flat, small area beyond the castles, where a large wall circled a tiny village of cottages, all surrounding one large, circular house with many entrances and multiple floors.