A flash of light lit the void, and I turned, seeing something appear back where I had, as the light slowly began to fade.
Blinking, I saw it was Simon the vampire, back in his human form. And Zadis. And Cayne.
“I was able to make a morning portal!” Simon yelled, comically swimming in the void to try and reach us. “Your blood is excellent, Cleo.”
I bit back a sob of relief, wondering if our friends could even help us.
“Take her back!” Samael yelled, as we fought to get to our friends. “It’s too late for me.”
“We’ll see about that,” Simon said, floating over and finally reaching us, as Cayne and Zadis were still catching up.
“I didn’t know others could go in the portal,” I said.
“We couldn’t let you go alone,” Simon said. “Why did you think I’ve been trying to feed on you so hard?”
“Simon steals the abilities and magic of anyone he feeds on for a certain amount of time,” Cayne said. “So when he made and went through the portal, we went through with him.” His eyes went to Sam, who I was holding still. “Sammy.”
“I’m fine,” Samael said. “Cayne, you know I wanted this. Get Cleo back.”
Cayne nodded, reaching for me, and hugging Samael as he did. “My brother, I’m sorry.”
“We aren’t giving up,” Simon said. “Look, I’ve been practicing something, and it’s why I fed on Vasara so much. Why I’ve spent time with her. She has a rare talent, making flesh. She taught me the secret, and I’ve basically got it down.” He raised his bandaged arm.
“Flesh? I thought celestials could only make objects.”
“No, they make creatures too, but there’s a catch. One, you need eighth level magic. But two, you need sacrifice.”
“I’m going to need some flesh from each of you, if we want this to work.”
“It’s pointless,” Samael said. “Get Cleo back.”
“Cleo doesn’t want to live without you,” Cayne said. “Nor do I. Now shut up and let us save you.” He looked to Simon. “What do you need?”
“What can you spare?” Simon asked.
“Anything,” Cayne said. “Anything for Sammy.”
“It won’t grow back.”
“I’d look cool with a peg leg anyway,” Cayne said. “Take that.”
“Me too,” Zadis said. “Take whatever you need.”
Simon looked at himself. “I’ll give a hand.”
“Whatever you want,” I said. “Anything of mine.”
“I think this is enough,” Simon said. “I can do the rest. Everyone move out of the way.”
I let him take Samael from me, even though it hurt in every atom to let go. But if there was a chance of this working?
“Cleo, come help me,” Samael said. “You have elder god powers, too. You can assist.”
I moved next to him, and he placed my hands on Samael. “You think of him whole, and I’ll do the rest.”
I closed my eyes and focused on Samael as I felt warmth emanate from Simon. I felt something sucking in toward us and opened my eyes to see Samael slowly coming back together. His atoms moving back to place as Simon kept his hands down and a ball of red energy formed over Samael’s chest.