But with my resilience, I knew I should be the only one to go up from here.
“The rest of you, wait down here,” I said, flapping and turning to block their path up. “It’s too dangerous.”
“Fuck that,” Griffin said. “We’re with you.”
“I’m not leaving you unprotected,” Zadis said, folding his arms and flapping his teal wings.
I bit my lip nervously.
“She’s right,” Ara said. “She would have to protect us, when she can absorb all attacks but we are vulnerable.”
“I’m ready to die for this world,” Zadis said. “I will be there with Cleo.”
“Me too,” Griffin said.
“Me too,” Os said.
“Me too,” Mor said, cracking her knuckles. “I’m not scared of no ninth-realmers.”
“I’m scared to lose all of you,” I said.
“Well, too fucking bad, Cleo,” Os said, purple celestial wings beating the air. “You aren’t the only one who can sacrifice to help save the world. We’re coming.” He looked to Ara. “Except for you. We need you for the new world.”
Ara nodded. “I would love to fight with you, but I’m in agreement. Someone has to be ready to fix things after the wreckage.” Her jaw tightened, her red eyes getting a faraway look in them. “I’ve waited all my life. Mila, justice is almost coming.”
My throat went tight. There was no more time to wait.
Just then, a huge, dark shape rose from beneath us, and I gasped, flying backwards, wondering what in the hell was coming to attack us now.
“Is that a dragon?” Os asked, flying backwards with Griffin.
But it wasn’t.
It may have been the size of a small dragon, but its wings were black, leathery and iridescent. Its body was like a human’s but contorted. It had rippling muscles that were gray, like a statue. The face was something from nightmares. Twisted features, long, pointed ears, fangs so big they contorted the mouth. It wore only a gray tunic to cover its body and allow full movement. Its eyes were the only contrast. Huge and beautiful and red, almost alien in their size.
The creature flapped until it was at head level with us, and then grinned, green venom dripping from its fangs.
“Guys, it’s me. Your friendly neighborhood vampire,” it said in a raspy, booming voice.
“Elder vampires are really something,” Mark said, flapping his wings and rising, looking as he always did. His clothing was splattered with blood and his black, leathery wings were spread. He was shining with sweat. But he looked happy. “Cayne has it handled. He’s going to make sure no one bothers us while we save his little brother.” Mark looked upwards. “Let’s go get them.”
My heart warmed at my friends support and bravery in coming with me even as despair and fear at the idea that I might not be able to save them all contrasted that warmth.
But I couldn’t afford to think on that any further. Sam was in danger.
Simon flapped up next to me, and chills went up my back at the sheer size of him.
“You wanted to see my true form,” he said. “I want to be in it when I meet my makers.” He looked above us. “Let’s go get Sammy for Cayne.” He shot up, and I had to abandon my fear and fly with him, or risk being second to arrive for my date with destiny.
We’re coming, Samael. Hold on.
We flew up and up through the black cloud layer that hid the ninth realm.
It was far thicker than any of the other layers, and as we flew, I began to give up on any hope of there even being a ninth realm.
But then we burst through into the most paradisiacal sight I had ever seen.