Page 139 of The Star's Sword

It was hard, moving my wings with muscles that felt like they extended out of my shoulders, but I did manage to lift up and follow Cayne.

My feet hurt as I misjudged how much I needed to flap on the landing.

I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

“Right,” Cayne said, once we’d all landed next to him outside the arena. Mark and Simon were the only vampires joining us, at the moment. “We have to ascend through all the realms in one go. No time,” he said. “Everyone, Cleo is the priority. Throw yourself at anything stopping her, and protect her at all costs.” He turned to me. “And no matter what, don’t stop, don’t hesitate.”

“But Samael. If I go up there and wipe out ninth realm matter, won’t I kill him?”

“He’s worse than dead in a while anyway,” Cayne said. “They like to play with their food.”

The thought made me sick.

“Look, you were never going to feel ready, Cleo,” Cayne said, taking my hands, which were cold and sweaty. “It was never going to be anything but frightening, taking on the most terrifying creatures in our world. But we have our friends behind us. And we must go now.”

I nodded as Simon moved over to a group of watching vampires.

“Friends!” he yelled. “You were tricked, but you can still have much glory! Come with us to invade the celestial realms! Feed as much as you want! Take as much blood as you want! Get the Morningstar to the top, and you’ll never go hungry!”

The vampires murmured amongst each other, interested.

“Unlike Vasara, have I ever let you down?” Simon yelled. “It will be dangerous, but if the celestials have their way, we’ll all be dead from lack of blood anyway!”

Vampires nodded to each other, convinced.

“Line up here if you will join us!” Simon yelled.

To my shock, hundreds began filing in, from the hill where they were watching.

Simon grinned at me, putting up a thumb. “Good cannon fodder,” he said. “Might be able to make things easier. At least none will be attacking us.”

“Mor, we need a portal, to the base of the sky realms,” Cayne said. “Os, once there, I need you to freeze everything in the vicinity if needed, giving us a chance to plan an approach. Ara, you are going to take over the ninth realm, once Cleo clears it out, so stay back and safe if you can at all costs. You’re our most powerful demon but an even more powerful asset as a leader.”

“Portal up,” Mor said, stepping back as a swirling vortex formed.

“All through,” Cayne said, waving the vampires through by the hundreds, looking pleased by how many we had.

With Vasara out of the way, it had been oddly easy to convince them.

My friends filed through last, including Zadis and then Cayne, and then Simon pulled me in with him, reassuring me one more time that truly, he felt everything would be okay.

I would try my best to believe him.


I’d forgotten how clean the havens were, with their bright blue skies and fluffy white clouds that seemed almost surreal they were so perfect.

It was empty below the sky realms, only grassy fields and forests for miles.

I looked up at the immense stone cities floating above us, with a cloud layer between each one.

Who knew what hid in those clouds?

Who knew what lived in those castles and communities?

“I’m almost sorry I can’t show you more of the celestial realms,” Os said. “It’s pretty. Like the havens, but full of angels and floating.”

“Mine is all combat training,” Mor said. “And orgies.”