“Vasara! Vasara, save us!” one of the burning vampires yelled, reaching a clawed hand helplessly into the air as flames licked up and over his fingers, consuming him.
He died, along with several other vampires, as Vasara watched him coldly.
“Trial two is finished!” Simon announced as the flames finally died on my pedestal, and I dropped down on my knees once again. Fresh pain ripped through me as I felt my burned flesh peel back to make way for new skin.
I always healed fast, no matter the consequences.
And I was glad, because there was nothing I wouldn’t take for my friends.
On Vasara’s side, there were now several burnt piles of ashes where vampires had been, and a few of them were looking at each other nervously.
“They should be glad to die for their queen,” an elder vampire yelled from outside the arena.
“Right,” a vampire inside the arena said. “They weren’t worthy. They didn’t believe her.”
“Vasara shouldn’t have to feel pain,” a vampire yelled. “We can feel it for her instead.”
I put a hand to my head, embarrassed for them at this point. My entire body was shaking, but I was glad Cayne had built up my pain resistance so much.
“You’ve got this, Cleo,” Cayne said behind me quietly. “I’m proud of how you’ve handled this. Now, just one more, then we get you taken care of.”
I nodded, biting my lower lip. The electricity had done deep tissue damage to my muscles that was still healing, and there were parts of my skin that were still burned and raw.
But I stood, forcing myself to stay tall and face what was coming next, no matter how hurt I was.
After all, I could heal. But I would never get my friends back, if they were harmed.
“Anyone want to change sides?” Simon yelled. “Even after seeing Vasara’s performance so far? No one?” He sighed, shrugging. “Well, I guess we go ahead. This is the worst one. Crushing.”
I blinked. “Crushing?” Shit, was that going to kill us?
The arena was covered by shadows, huge shadows, and I looked up to see two giant, hovering boulders, poised just above the podiums Vasara and I were on.
She’d gotten back on her podium somehow, despite the paleness of her face, and the fact that she seemed honestly shaken by her burns.
She held her arms nervously as she looked up at the boulder.
“What’s wrong, Vasara?” I yelled. “Never actually fought a rogue? I guess it doesn’t hurt to fight monsters you created through illusions. I guess you never get injured, because you’ve always got someone to take the fall for you.”
She glared at me, staring up at the boulder with fear, and then back at me. She yelled at Simon, panicked. “We’ll be crushed to death.”
“Not if you’re the Morningstar,” he said cheerily.
She already looked ready to run.
I stared up at the boulders, which were only about twenty feet up now. They were about five feet across, big enough to crush us, but no one near us.
I braced myself. When it hit, I would try to move down with it. Inwardly, I tried to plan what I would let the rock break and crush.
It would hurt, but personally, I didn’t even think it would hurt as much as the fire did.
I was already looking forward to a rest tonight, after everyone saw me win this one.
Vasara was pale and I’d never seen her so afraid as she looked up at the boulder.
She was an eighth realm celestial. Would she survive it?
I grinned at Simon. If this went well, maybe we wouldn’t even need a third trial tomorrow.