Page 105 of The Star's Sword

To the side of it stood many of our friends, holding candles with odd black flames.

Samael snapped, and my clothes changed, to a tight black gown made of satin. His clothes changed as well, to a tux.

My heart was still racing. We had trials tomorrow. What on Earth was happening?

Samael put his hand in mine, holding it tightly, and began walking me to the large, stone arch that had been placed there. When we were beneath it, Ara stepped out in front of us, wearing purple robes and holding an ancient book.

“Do you have the ring?” she asked.

I blinked, happiness and hope bursting in me along with amazement, as I realized Samael was finally giving me what I’d always tried to talk him into all along.

A mating ceremony.

I’d always known he was my mate, and I’d wanted to make it official, but he had always hesitated. Now I knew why.

“I do have the ring,” Sam said. “But I need to talk to Cleo, first.” He turned to face me under the arch, with the moon looking down and our friends watching.

Even Simon was there, wearing somber black clothes and standing next to Cayne, who was dabbing at his eyes as Simon patted him.

Mor, Luren, Griffin and Os were there also.

“Cleo,” Sam said softly, holding onto both of my hands. His eyes met mine, gold glowing at the center. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”

I nodded. “Me too.”

“I still can’t promise,” he said, his voice breaking slightly. Gods, he looked beautiful tonight. Every night. A face I could never stop watching. A man I could never stop loving. “I still can’t say if Zadis’s plan will work.”

“If not, I’ll find another,” Zadis retorted.

“Regardless,” Sam said. “I won’t deny it anymore.” He raised one of my hands to his lips to kiss it, then let it go to reach into the pocket of his tux. He pulled out a ring box and opened it, revealing a simple white metal band with a huge, glowing red stone at the center of it.

It was gorgeous.

“Cayne helped me make a blood ruby for a mate stone,” he said. “He promised no ill effects from it, unlike the ones Zadis found, which were cursed.” He held the ring out to my hand, and as I moved forward, he gently guided it onto my left ring finger. Then he kissed down over it. “It comes from the blood of my heart, which only beats, which always beats, for you, mate,” he said.

Ara stepped forward. “Cleo, do you take this demon as your mate? Your connection will be as none other, as you cling to one another, but you will never have—

“I accept,” I said breathlessly, because Samael had always been my fate. Ever since that day in the village, when he’d saved me.

I gave Zadis a grateful look, seeing him smile happily. I was truly glad to have him in my life, and we would always have a special relationship.

But I could never thank him enough for how he’d stepped forward to fight for me and Sam.

“I know you’ll have other connections,” Samael said. “But I know my soul’s true twin flame is you. Burn for me forever, Cleo?”

“Always,” I said, stepping forward and entwining my hands in his.

No matter what happened when I ascended, no matter what happened in the trials, I was happy in this moment.

After so much waiting, and hesitating, Samael was finally mine.

My heart felt like it could explode, it was so happy.

“I love you,” I said. “So much. I love you.”

A tear fell on my cheek, because I knew life was still uncertain. I knew the unicorn serum might not work, and I might lose Samael sooner than I thought.

But it meant more than I could have imagined to finally be fully with him.