“I get fed,” he said simply. Then he shook his head and pushed away from me to walk away. “No, I’m not thinking straight. That is the stupidest idea I’ve ever had. We just have to stay farther apart until we leave this realm and get to my place. Killing that void creature should satiate my bloodlust at least.”
I stared after him, shocked and bereft. My legs were practically trembling with anticipation, and he could just walk off like that?
“Then should I sexually experiment with Zadis?”
Sam stopped dead, then turned to give me a glare scarier than any before. Which, with Sam, was really saying something. “What. Did. You. Say?” His tone was quiet, deceptively calm.
“You said it,” I said, so nervous I was surprised my voice wasn’t shaking. But Sam was right. All my life, I’d been kept back from the things I wanted.
And now there was something I wanted right in front of me, and I’d be damned if I didn’t at least try to take it.
“Said what?” His tone was rage and ice all at once. For someone who couldn’t get feelings, he sure did get jealous. Maybe that was his celestial side coming through.
But why should he care? All he wanted was a favor.
“You said I need to unlock my powers. Zadis is willing to help me.”
Sam breathed in and out once through his nose, like an angry bull. “There will be all manner of men, or women if you like, ready to assist you at our next destination. Why him?”
I looked at him honestly. “Because it can’t be you.”
“Damn it, Cleo,” he rasped, saying my name like an oath. “I told you, you tempt me beyond all reason.”
I took a step toward him. “Then lose your reason,” I said. “Come with me.”
He froze as I reached him, his huge body stock still as I raised a hand to stroke his cheek.
He jolted back, looking at me like I’d burned him.
He grabbed my wrists, locked them together over my head, and spun me to the fridge, slamming my hands down against it. “Not like that. If we’re together, it will be raw, perhaps even violent.”
“You won’t hurt me,” I said, looking into those dark, fathomless eyes that shone with gold.
“I’ll ruin you,” he said. Then his lips closed over mine.
I was kissingSam. And it wasn’t like that night in the stocks.
It was hot, urgent, just on the edge of vicious, as his teeth rode the edge of my lip and bit down just enough to make me squeak in shock.
But his tongue flicked out over the sore spot, making pleasure flow through me, filling me with warmth as he thrust into my mouth in an experienced move that had me parting my lips instantly.
His tongue explored slowly, making heat rise exponentially as he stroked the most sensitive places of my mouth, thrusting slowly in and out in a way that made me clench my legs, thinking of other things.
“Already overwhelmed, little wolf?” Sam asked, pulling back to look at me while keeping me pinned.
“Yeah right,” I said, though I was panting. I leaned forward to catch his mouth again, but his lips slammed into mine, holding me back against the fridge.
He insisted on taking control, thrusting his tongue harder in against me and making me let out a muffled groan. His tongue twisted together with mine, teasing it in an erotic dance that had me wetter than I’d ever been.
I wanted my hands free. I wanted to entwine them in his gorgeous wavy hair, hold his face, but if this was how he wanted it, the only way he’d accept it, then I’d take it.
And I had a feeling that after he had me, I would never be the same.
He pulled back again, panting, and I noticed a fine sheen of sweat on his skin. His eyes flashed red when they met mine, and he grunted and closed them. Then he took a deep breath, and when he looked up again, they were their usual dark color. “This isn’t working. You drive my incubus crazy.”
“Let your incubus out,” I whispered, still hazy just from the kiss. A few men in my life had forced kisses on me. But this, what Sam could do with his lips, the things he could say without saying anything…