I took the Sam approach and ignored him, staring at the ceiling.
Zane walked to the wall and grabbed the large ring of skeleton keys the jailer kept hung there. Then he started toward me.
I sat up on the bed in alarm.
Zane, apparently aware of the no-interference clause, glared at Sam. “You gonna get out of here? I got business with this omega.”
Sam raised an eyebrow at him as if he were a flea under his boot. “Go ahead. It has nothing to do with me.”
“You should leave,” Zane urged.
“I was commanded to stay here and keep an eye on her until the execution. I specialize in demons, see? And I have to watch this one.” He smiled unpleasantly. “So please, do whatever you want with her. Act like I’m not even here.”
Zane hesitated a moment. Even though they were both tall men, Sam had a few inches and at least forty pounds of muscle on him.
“You can’t interfere, can you?” Zane asked. “It’s against the rules.”
“Utterly,” Sam said. “Be my guest.” He gestured to the cell.
“No!” I yelled. “Don’t let him in.”
“I told you, pet,” he said. “I can’t intervene.” But there was something in his eyes as he watched us, his gaze lingering before he turned back to his book.
Zane unlocked the door and stared at me like I was a steak and he was starving. His face was still red, his hands still clenched, but there was a heat in the air I didn’t like. A tension in his body, wickedness in his eyes.
I’d been bullied enough to know the different kinds of bullying.
This was going to turn sexual. In front of a kinky angel who’d probably enjoy watching.
“Get away from me,” I said, kicking out at Zane as he came within range.
Zane shoved his hair off his sweaty forehead as he came forward, trapping me against the cot by standing far too close.
I tried to get up, but he pushed me back.
I heard Sam stir at the desk, but when I looked up, he was only reading his book.
Of course.
Zane grabbed my chin. “You’re going to die anyway. You might as well choke on my dick while you’re at it.”
I snapped my head to the side to bite at his finger, and he pulled back just in time. I tried to follow it up with a punch, but the shackles restrained me.
“It’s a waste,” he said. “You could have been a beautiful omega. Your strength could have been an asset in aiding an alpha. And now you’re going to die.”
He pulled his robes over his head and threw them to the side, then began unbuckling his belt. “Well, at least you won’t go to waste.”
Because my legs were free, I kicked out at him, but he grabbed me by the shoulders, jerking me up and holding me against the wall, pinning both hands in one of his just high enough that my toes could barely scrape the ground. I kicked, but he pushed my legs aside, moving between them as he started to fiddle with my muddy, torn white dress.
“Fuck! Fuck, get off me!” For a split second, I almost asked Sam for help. I looked over and saw him staring as if he were wondering if I would.
But I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of turning me down.
“Fuck you, Zane,” I said, spitting in his face. He raised his hand as if to hit me, then turned to look at the angel, unsure that would be allowed.
“I don’t want to mar your pretty face more anyway,” he said. His hand sprouted wolf claws, and he tore the front of my dress, slowly, like undoing a zipper. I tried to kick, but my legs were helpless. With his hands holding mine above my head, all I could do was dangle as his mouth came closer, closer.