Page 134 of The Demon's Pet

Sam crushed the thing in his hand, and Zadis’s screaming stopped abruptly. The second he went limp, I felt his hold on my body loosen, though I was still too frozen by fear to move.

Sam threw what he’d had in his hand back into the hole in Zadis’s chest.

He turned to face me, covered in blood, semi-shaded by darkness, and sighed. “You’re free now.”

Around me, other animals began to move stiffly, but none seemed to want to break out or draw Sam’s attention.

I was shaking, afraid if I took even a step, I would fall. I moved one foot slightly forward, feeling nauseous.

But I was also relieved because I was saved.

Sam had saved me.

Against my better judgement, I glanced down at Zadis. Then I gagged, turning away as quickly as I could, covering my eyes so I couldn’t see it.

“I won’t blame you for this,” Sam said. “Because he was worse than I even imagined. But I did warn you that this would end in death.” His voice was quiet and low.

I glanced at him, not knowing if I should fear or trust this person after what I’d seen.

Though, I knew without a doubt I now owed him my life.

Who knew what would have happened if he hadn’t come here, if he hadn’t risked everything?

Sam turned away from me to yank his swords free from Zadis, and I had to bend over and resist vomiting at the sound of the blades pulling free of his ribcage.

Sam pulled a black cloth out of his pocket and began to clean off his blades. Then he sheathed them both in one smooth motion and came over to me. I felt him lightly touch my back with his hand. “Cleo?”

I shoved forward and threw my hands around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder, not caring about the blood.

My legs were shaking from not moving for those minutes I’d been frozen. My hands were trembling.

Sam stood there as if he didn’t know what to do for a moment. Then slowly, his arms wrapped around me, holding me closely but lightly like he was afraid I would break.

I hadn’t known he could be tender like this. Especially after what he’d just done. His chest was still heaving from exertion, and I didn’t know what to say.

I’d been so afraid, and despite him being a murderer I was still angry with, I was just glad he’d come.

I didn’t know if I should thank him.

Did thank you really cover cutting someone else’s heart out for you?

We stayed there for several quiet moments, and Sam pulled back to check me over, holding me up by the shoulders while he did.

Before I could figure out what I wanted to say to him, light flickered at the stairway, and I saw someone else coming down. I tensed but relaxed when I saw it was Griffin, followed by Os.

“Sam!” Os said. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“You weren’t supposed to get him,” Sam growled at Griffin.

“I wanted to help Cleo,” Griffin shot back.

“We need to get out of here,” Sam said, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me forward. When I tripped, he swept an arm under my knees and picked me up like I weighed nothing.

He handed me over to Griffin. “Go. Fly to Cayne’s sanctuary in the mid-realm. I’ll join you there.”

“Will we be safe?” Griffin asked.

“There’s nowhere else we can go now that he’s killed a fae prince,” Os said, putting a hand to his head.