Os gave me a knowing look, which told me he at least had some info on the situation.
“I get what you’re saying. You’re warning me against Zadis, or—”
“I’m warning you that this entire world is far more dangerous than anything you’ve experienced. There are no laws, just separate communities of creatures with their own rules and morals. And strength is the law of the land. What you can kill and what you can’t kill.”
“Okay, can you answer a few questions for me?”
Os looked impatient but nodded.
“What is a slayer?”
He grimaced. “The only demon who can kill celestials. They protect the demon abyssal realms the way celestials protect the havens above the veil.”
I swallowed. “And Sam has killed two of them?”
“Sam has blood from the ninth celestial realm,” Os said, as if that explained everything.
Of course, I knew of the nine kingdoms that rose above the havens. I could look up and see them high up there at night.
I didn’t know why Sam being from the highest kingdom mattered.
“He’s hard to kill,” Os said simply.
“I see,” I said.
“And he can kill everything, with very few exceptions.”
Os stared at me like I was missing something. “That’s a very good ally to have, in my opinion.”
I blinked. “Oh, right.”
“So please at least try and get along with Sam, as long as he isn’t doing anything bad to you. If he does, you know you can come to Griffin or me. But please don’t bother escaping or doing something stupid. You’re far more in danger without him than with him.”
“Why?” I asked, clenching my hands into fists. “I just want to make my own decisions, rather than waiting for someone to tell me how everything works. I thought I escaped. I want to live—”
“I know,” Os said. “And one day, when you know everything you need to know about this place and you’ve unlocked whatever abilities you have, it might be different.”
I went quiet at that.
“Cleo, why do you think the fae are here, so close to the veil, rather than deeper in the mid-realm?”
“I don’t know.”
“Because they hate demons,” Os said. “If Zadis finds out… I shouldn’t even be talking like this outside.”
“You were fraternizing with them, weren’t you?” I asked. “Do you hate Zadis?”
“I don’t, but—”
“I’m Sam’s pet,” I said. “I can’t escape, but—”
“He’s helping you, Cleo. That’s all I’m trying to say.”
“He’s using me,” I spat back. “I don’t need you to defend him. You don’t know anything that’s happened between us. And I will spend time with who I want, as long as it’s not hurting anyone.”
“Speak of the devil,” Os muttered as Zadis appeared from between two houses and grinned down at us.