He scowled at me.
“Not that you’re not gorgeous. I just mean, is there some kind of spell? Some special ability you have to draw people to you?”
He nodded. “Not a spell. Just being hot. Most incubi are. Becoming a celestial didn’t seem to do anything to dampen my appeal.” He looked down at his tattooed arms. “I got all of these because I hated my celestial skin. I wanted to hide it as long as possible. But they didn’t dampen my appeal either.”
I grinned. “So you can’t escape from being hot?”
“From being wanted,” he said, giving me a look that was more thoughtful than usual. “Something you might understand.”
“Yeah,” I said. “Seems a bit like being an omega. Everyone wants to fuck you or, in my case, bully you.”
“They wanted to fuck you too,” Sam said flatly, standing and grabbing a shirt to pull over his head. “You just didn’t let them. Good for you.”
I stared at him blankly. “Thank you?”
He nodded. “We need to talk about tomorrow.”
It felt a little odd, getting back to business after what just happened between us. But he was right. He’d fed. I’d gotten my lust satiated and even increased awareness of my inner demon too.
Hopefully, she’d show up soon.
I’m right here. You just never listen to me.
I went rigid.
Sam lifted his head. “You’re hearing it, aren’t you?”
I swallowed. “Maybe.”
“The more in touch you get with it, the less it will feel so separate. But as you are part celestial, the two different sides of you will always be at odds.”
“You would know,” I said softly. “You’re part both as well.”
“Yes,” he said. “Though, it’s different.”
I sighed. “I have felt this voice before. Telling me to fight. Telling me I didn’t have to listen to alphas.”
“Why didn’t you listen?” Sam asked.
“Because I didn’t want to die,” I said.
“So you don’t trust it.”
“Your inner demon.” He lay back on the bed next to me, dressed in a tee shirt and sweatpants now, as he tossed a blanket over me to keep me warm. “The voice said you didn’t have to obey alphas. That you could win. Why didn’t you listen?”
Gods, he was right.
“I thought it was just a crazy wild hair. Something that could get me killed. Delusions.”
“You’re stronger than you think,” he said. “I knew that when I saw you fighting that alpha when I visited your village.”
“You called me an idiot,” I retorted.
“You are,” he shot back. “For letting them hurt you.”
I thought back to that day and sat bolt upright, grabbing the blanket around me. “Is that why you kissed me? To awaken my demon?”