Page 34 of Love Notes

I moved past a group of people, nodding to them, and lifting my cup in greeting before I paused by Lauren, who was launching into a story about the camping trip she took with Wes over the summer. Uninterested, my gaze wandered, drifting around the room to the familiar faces, when I froze.


She stood, glowing under the soft light in the living room, looking more gorgeous than ever. Had she done something different to her hair? Her makeup?

I swallowed as she pressed herself into my brother’s side like she needed him to breathe. When I asked her to the party, bringing Ethan as her date—or whatever the hell he was—wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. I wanted her alone, away from the safety net of my brother, so I could have her all to myself.

Frustrated, I ran a hand over the back of my neck, sinking into the shadows and out of sight as they traversed the living room. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t figure out the dynamic of their relationship. They both swore they were just friends, yet they spent all their time together. They acted like they were a couple, and on more than one occasion, I’d witnessed how possessive Ethan was of her.

Mia’s gaze darted around her like the place was booby trapped, something I’d find comical if she weren’t clinging to the side of another guy.

Ethan walked a step ahead of her as they entered the kitchen and I followed, keeping my distance so they couldn’t see me.

Ethan smiled and said something that transformed her already anxious expression into one of horror, then helped himself to a beer. And in that moment, I would kill to know what he said to her.

As if an afterthought, he poured Mia a cup of Jungle Juice, and handed it over before returning to his own beer while a wave of protectiveness washed over me. Had she ever even drank before? That shit wasstrong. Did he want her drunk off her ass?

Then again, how did I know they didn’t drink together all the time? For all I knew, they dida lotno one knew about.

The thought settled in the pit of my stomach like rotten fruit, and before I could stop myself, I barreled forward, jaw clenched as I came to stand in front of them, looking directly at Mia as I said, “You came.”

Chapter 17


IenteredtheBrooks’home like I was entering a war zone—slowly and carefully as if at any moment, I might hit a landmine hidden underneath the gleaming hardwood. Enough time had passed since Carson invited me that I had myself half convinced this was some sort of trap. It didn’t matter that Ethan was by my side or that we just came from Luigi’s where we shared a large pepperoni (of which Ethan ate eighty percent his weight in pizza dough and cheese). Nothing could ease the giant knot fisting in the center of my stomach.

Ethan groaned. “I can’t believe you talked me into coming to one of Carson’s parties. This is so lame.”

I ignored him as I bolstered my own courage and led the way through the foyer into the living room. Music played in the background, and about twelve other seniors mingled about, talking, and sipping from red plastic cups. I waved to a couple people, then turned back to Ethan. “It doesn’t look so bad.”

He shot me a skeptical look. “Tell me that when you’re dared to go streaking through the neighborhood later.”

A surge of panic coursed through my veins. “Wait, they don’t actually do things like that, right?” I asked, but Ethan ignored me.

Despite being well-liked, it had been a while since I attended a party, so it felt a bit like shaking the rust off.

“Does he have anything to drink in here or what?” Ethan asked.

He made a beeline for the kitchen, and I hurried after him, only a little frightened at the image he put in my head. “No one would dare me to do that,” I said, unable to let it go. I still had this horrifying vision of being forced to streak in front of the class, and worse of all, in front of Carson.

“Really?” Ethan raised a brow. “You don’t think your arch nemesis would dare you to do something humiliating?”

I swallowed. It was like Ethan was inside my brain, verbalizing my fears. “Carson and I have been getting along lately.”Sorta. “Weren’t you just teasing me about it yesterday at school?”

He shrugged, which only annoyed me more. I grumbled and crossed my arms over my chest as Ethan helped himself to a beer and shoved a plastic cup of something fruity in my hand. When I gave it a sniff, my mouth watered. It smelled like strawberries and oranges. I took a healthy gulp and nearly barfed. “Ugh. This stuff is horrendous. What’s in here, cough syrup?”

“I’ve been told it’s Carson’s secret concoction. It loosens you up.”

“Wait. Loosen me up for what—”

“You came.” Carson appeared in the entryway to the kitchen, seemingly out of nowhere.

I snapped my mouth shut, my throat suddenly dry as I took in his somewhat rumpled appearance. He wore dark jeans and a long sleeve button-down shirt, which was untucked, rolled at the sleeves, and open at the neck to reveal a small triangle of tanned skin.

“You brought lil bro,” he said, eyeing Ethan as he drew closer. “You’re late. I thought maybe you’d chickened out.”

“Why would I chicken out?” I croaked. Then, calmer, I added, “We were just hanging out, catching dinner, and lost track of time.” I motioned to Ethan.