Page 27 of Love Notes

“I just find it interesting that you didn’t want to tell me about your encounter with Olivia.”

“Ugh. I knew you’d think I had some ulterior reason for not telling you, but the truth is I just forgot.”

“Forgot.” I said the word like I was trying to decipher the meaning. “Was this Wednesday when you came over to discuss the project?”

“Yeah.” She shrugged. “What’s your point?”

“I saw you outside before you even entered the house, which means you had probably just run into Olivia.” No need for her to know I’d been watching them. She’d probably accuse me of stalking her or something. “It’s amazing how you forgot so quickly. Like within minutes, seconds even.”

She scoffed. “You have a way about you that instantly makes my mind go blank.” Her cheeks burned the moment the words left her lips, and even though I knew she meant nothing by it, she was far too easy and way too much fun to tease.

“Really?” I raised my brows and ran with it. “My presence is so intoxicating it makes your brain shut down? I mean, I knew I had that power over other girls, but not you.”

“That’s not what I meant.” She gripped her cup so hard, I thought it might burst. “Imeantthat you annoy me. You’re so infuriating that I forget.”

“Uh-huh, sure. Whatever you say.”

“I’m serious.”

“I know. Sure, you are.”

“See. Right now is a perfect example,” she said through gritted teeth.

I laughed, to which she growled and subsequently grabbed her first snowflake and angrily scribbled the first name and gift on it. I followed her lead, more than amused, and took my first one and did the same, smug smile still in place because goading her was so easy.

After a few minutes, we settled into comfortable silence, and I forgot all about torturing her because I became wrapped up in the requests on the page, the simple wants and desires from people who had very little. Things we took for granted, like body wash, a shaving kit, lotion, fuzzy socks, and slippers. Once we finished, we began hanging them on the tree with string.

“Are you going to the dance?” I asked, breaking the silence. Even though Ethan told me she didn’t have a date, I wanted to see for myself.

Her eyes widened in surprise at the question. Clearly, she’d already forgotten about it. “Um. I think so. I mean, it’s our last winter formal, so I’d like to. Not to mention, I promised Ella I’d go to as many school events and dances as possible.”

I nodded while my gut clenched. Maybe Ethan had been wrong after all. “Who’s taking you?” I turned to the tree, but glanced her way out of the corner of my eye, unable to keep myself from looking at her.

“Uh, what?”

“I asked who you’re going with?”

“I think we need to spread these out a little more,” she said, motioning toward a cluster of snowflakes.

“Why are you avoiding my question?” I narrowed my eyes, a glimmer of hope igniting in my gut.

“I’m not avoiding your question.”

“You totally are.”

“Am not.”

I placed my hands on my hips. “Then why haven’t you answered me yet?”

“Because I don’t have a date. Happy?”

I grinned, barely restraining myself from flashing her a megawatt smile. “Kind of.”

She glared at me so hard, I feared she might melt me with her eyes. When she didn’t say anything else, I asked, “So, little Miss Perfect is dateless, huh?”


“How could you not have a date? Did no one ask you, or did you turn them all down?”