Page 18 of Love Notes

“No, I need out of here.” The words spilled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

Crap.That one sentence revealed too much.

Carson’s brow creased, and I glanced away, adding, “I’m surprised by you though. For someone who loves to swim and the lake as much as you do, I would’ve thought you’d want to stay right here in Lakeview.”

“Eh. You can swim anywhere, and Duke has an amazing swim program, unlike the colleges nearby. Plus, there happens to be an ex-Olympian there who wants to work with me. I love it here, and Lakeview will always be home, but I want to try new things, new places. I need something to keep me on my toes. Lakeview is just so . . .”

“Limiting,” we said in unison.

Our eyes locked, and my stomach dipped. Clearing my throat, I said, “Anyway, we should probably get started.”

From the corner of my eye, I noticed his small frown before it disappeared. “Okay, I’m ready. Hit me with it. How much work is it?”

I rummaged through my bag, retrieving the folder, then opened it and spread the contents out on Carson’s desk. “So, I went through everything Mr. Bell gave us, then I also did a little planning.” I took out the spreadsheets I made with our divided tasks and stood, handing it to him.

“I think if we put our minds to it, we can knock out a lot of the work this weekend and be done in a week or so with only delivery left and minimal interaction on our part.”

He grunted at the spreadsheet. “I don’t know if that works for me.”

“Well, I just thought we could divide and conquer.”Since we can’t stand each other. “I figured it might go . . . uh . . . more smoothly. I made a list. So, if you want to see if there’s anything you think we should add,” I said, motioning toward the paper, “now’s the time.”

He stood and moved next to me, peering down at the spreadsheet from over my shoulder. He was a giant with me sitting below him, and I squirmed in his proximity. I could practically feel him breathing down my neck from above.

“If we get the tree up this weekend and rake in some more donors, then all we’ll have left to do is the shopping and delivery,” I said.

“There’s only one problem with all of this.”

“What?” I blinked up at him.

“I have meets all day Saturday, and then Sunday we have—”

“Carson, I can’t wait for you to be free. I mean, I realize swimming is important, and you have a social life, but this is important, too. It’s either we complete this, or we take the suspension, which from the sounds of things, isn’t a viable option for either of us if I want to gain early admission and you want to keep your scholarship.”

He raked a hand through his hair. “I get that. And I realize that my schedule makes things difficult, but it is what it is.”

It is what it is?Why was he always so cavalier about everything? It was super annoying. Maybe the most annoying thing about him on a long, long list.

“I’ll handle it,” I said, standing and walking to the bed, where I scooped up the spreadsheet I handed him. “I’ll just do it all. It’ll be easier that way.”

“Whoa. Wait a minute.” He grabbed my wrist, stopping me, then yanked the paper out of my hands. “We’re supposed to do this together, remember? Or has your little bump to the head made you forget.”

My nostrils flared, and his eyes hardened on my face, unapologetic, but I stood my ground. No way would I give him the upper hand.

Realizing his hand was still around my wrist, I shook him off and pointed at him. “I heard what Bell said, and I know what peer mediation is, thank you very much, but seeing as how you have no time to spare—”

“I’ll make the time.” The muscle in his jaw flexed.

I wanted to say no. To refuse. But I could hardly do that, could I? As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. We were supposed to work on this together, that was the whole point, and if we didn’t comply, Mr. Bell would have no choice but to suspend us.

“Fine. Sunday, then. After whatever thing you have going on.”

“Fine.” He crossed his arms over his chest, taking a defiant stance, and I wanted to tell him to stop because it only made his shoulders look broader, his arms bigger. Blech.

I cocked my hip, shifting my gaze. “We’ll start with putting the tree up Sunday then go from there. Sound good?”

“How’s four o’clock work? You may as well come to dinner after. Ethan will want you to, and my parents adore you.” He rolled his eyes. “Though I don’t know why.”

I smiled tightly, but inside, I was thrilled at the prospect of another peaceful meal away from home. “They love me because I’m the daughter they wish they had instead of their firstborn.” I turned from him and said, “Now, let’s go over this list.”