‘But it’s not your decision, is it?’ Zac’s tone was rebellious, even if his hands were shaking. ‘I’m an adult.’
‘Then start behaving like one.’
Ironic, seeing as Chris was the only one acting childishly.
Zac rubbed his eyes. ‘What have you got against Megan?’
Good question.
Matt had only met Megan a few times, but she seemed nice enough. A bit of a drama luvvie, slightly self-absorbed, but clearly smitten with Zac. Just as he was with her. Surely that was all that mattered?
His phone pinged with another message from Beth Lawrence. The intrusion evoked a tut from Gemma, as he discreetly checked his phone.
Link below to gift list set up at The White Company.
Gemma batted a wasp away, still glaring at Matt for not giving her his full attention. ‘Megan’s too old for you,’ she said to her son, swiping at the wasp and sending it plummeting to the floor where she squashed it under her sandal. Job done. No one messed with Gemma. ‘Ten years is a substantial age gap.’
Matt replied to Beth.Is everything on the list white?
Yes. Why?
You know Zac only wears black?
Your point?
He’ll look like a negative in his own home.
Are you trying to be funny?
It’s not working.
Well, that told him.
‘If it doesn’t bother us, why should it bother anyone else?’ Zac said, looking at his disgruntled parents.
Another good question.
‘You might not see the problem, but we do,’ Chris said, rather patronisingly. ‘An age gap of that magnitude means you might want different things at different times.’
‘Like children,’ snapped Gemma.
‘Grandma Susan is ten years older than Grandpa Pete, and they’ve never had a problem,’ Zac said, making Matt flinch.
It wasn’t the best example to use. After all, his dad was hardly a role model. He was banged up for manslaughter, and they’d certainly had their share of problems, but it wouldn’t be helpful to point that out right now.
‘Please refrain from mentioning that man’s name in this house.’ Chris looked irritated. ‘He isnotyour grandfather.’
Zac looked confused. ‘He’s married to Grandma Susan, what else does that make him?’