Page 67 of The Reaper

“Fuck yes. I want you covered in my cum. I want to smear it into your skin.”

His mouth fell open as he stared at me.

“You like that, don’t you? You want to smell like me, to be marked by me.”

“Yes. Do it. Please. Come on me. Cover me in it.”

His words were all I needed. I kept working my cock as I shot cum over his abdomen and chest, and some even coated his neck.

He started rubbing it in before I’d even finished, and the sight pushed me to give one more hard pull on my dick, emptying myself completely.

I pushed Rhys’s hands out of the way and worked the rest of my cum into his skin like I was giving him a massage. He stretched his arms up and groaned, arching his back like a satisfied cat.

“You really are fucking filthy,” I said.

“With you I am.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Don’t tell me you were pure and sweet until you begged me to fuck you.”

“I did not beg you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine. Until you asked me.”

He scowled. “I wasn’t sweet. I just didn’t…” Color rose in his cheeks.

“You didn’t beg men to come on you?”

“No. Never.”

“And you didn’t get your ass eaten while you begged for more?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Then aren’t you glad you met me?”

We both froze as we held each other’s gazes.

Finally Rhys nodded. “Yeah. I’m glad. This is crazy, but…”

“I know. I’m glad too.”

“So what happens now?” he asked.

I wasn’t sure if he meant between us or if he was referring to Franco and how I was going to find my half brother, make Franco regret being born, and negotiate terms with my father that I could live with. The same answer served for both. “I don’t fucking know.”

Rhys patted the mattress beside him, encouraging me to lie down, then snuggling against my side. “Tell me about Franco. Where did all this start?”

“He’s jealous of my position, and he talks shit about me to my father every chance he gets. He encourages my father to give me assignments Franco thinks will get me killed.”

“But they never do because you’re too damn good.”

I grinned. “That’s right. A few months ago, at Franco’s request, my father ordered me to take out a man Franco had claimed double-crossed us. The man was scum whether or not that was true, so I was happy to follow orders, but when I tracked the man down, Franco was meeting with him. Now I believe Franco was paying the man to kill me before I got to him.”

Rhys was watching me intently. “What did you do?”

“I took the shot and brought the fucker down. Franco stood right there and stared at me. I could easily have killed him too, but I didn’t have proof of his ambitions, only suspicions.”

“And you needed proof before killing your cousin?”