Page 61 of The Reaper

“He’s treated you like shit, and now he wants you to be the hero. Fuck that. If it weren’t for Arturo, I’d tell you to make him solve his own problems.”

“But what if he…”

“What if he does care? Maybe he does, but he could have fucking shown it some other time.”

My hands were shaking, and I was falling apart. “I should go. I… need to look for Arturo.”

“No, you need to stay right here. Did you call X?”


“X will find your brother. You’re in no shape to leave now.”

Tears burned my eyes. I couldn’t do this. I didn’t show weakness.

“What is your father’s problem anyway? What happened between the two of you? Why doesn’t he trust you?”

“I’m not the son he wants. I never have been. He’s never thought I was smart enough to take over the business.”

“How could anyone think that about you?”

I stared at Rhys. “You said you hated me.”

“That’s because you’re an arrogant shit and involved in things I never want to be involved in again. It doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re good at what you do. You’re a crack shot, an excellent tracker, and a fine strategist. You would have been an asset to our force recon team.”

His words stole my breath. Was there a chance this was more to him than just hate fucking? “Do you really want to help me?”

“I’m going to help you and protect you.”

“I don’t need—”

“Yes, you do. We both do. We need to have each other’s backs.”

“I thought you wanted me to stay the hell away from you unless you needed to get off. Are you saying you don’t hate me so much anymore?” I smiled as I said it, trying to make it a joke, but it wasn’t. I desperately wanted him to say yes. I wanted a chance.



TJ’s words gutted me. I couldn’t keep up my pretense, not when he looked so damn hurt. I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair before letting the words explode from me.

“Goddammit, I care about you.”

There. I couldn’t take that back now, and trying to would be a lie. I meant what I’d said, but now there was no way I could keep pretending this was just sex with a man I hated everywhere but in bed. My confession was going to turn my world upside down, and when TJ left, it was going to break my heart.

TJ looked stunned by my response. A long moment passed before he spoke. “I care about you too.”

I allowed myself to exhale. “Do you trust X?”


“Do you need to check in with him again?”

“No, he’ll call me when he knows something.”

“Then come on.” I took his hand and pulled him to his feet.

“Where are we going?”