Page 51 of The Reaper

“There’s a personal vendetta between him and Franco, and his father wants to bide his time until all the lying snakes who’ve sided with Franco reveal themselves.”

Rogue nodded. “Risky, but it’s what I’d do too.”

“Of course it is.”

“What’s TJ going to do about it?”

“He didn’t give me a detailed plan.”

“I’m shocked he told you anything. You must have scrambled his brain. Good going, bro.” Rogue held up his hand for a high five, but I just glared at him until he dropped it and rolled his eyes.

“I got the sense he’s planning to bring X in on it.”

“Wow. I bet his father will go ballistic. Men like that don’t want anything taken outside of the family.”

I nodded. “I want him to talk to Grant. We need a plan to help TJ stop Franco.”

Rogue raised his brows. “You want to get involved?”

“We’re already involved.”

“We’re protecting him. We’re not part of his family’s politics.”

I scowled at my twin. “We will be if they come after him.”

“We can send him back. We’re not here to join some fucking turf war.”

“We’re not sending him back.

“Oh, I see how it is.” He grinned, and I realized I’d played into his trap.

“We agreed to protect him, and we need all the information to be able to do that.”

“You wanted to get rid of him a few days ago.”

“I was pissed off.”

“And his dick cured you of that?”


“Or what?”

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

“I’m your ride or die, bro. You’re never going to get rid of me.”

“No, apparently, I’m not even going to get rid of the man who is bringing me nothing but trouble.”

“If he hurts you, I will see to that.”

“I can take care of myself. This is enough of a shitshow as it is. I don’t need you losing your temper with him.”

“I’m the easygoing twin, remember?”

“You’re easygoing right up until the point where you’re not, and then you’re more dangerous than I am.”

Very few people knew that, but it was true. Rogue had been the one who always fought back with our father. That was partly why I’d done what I had in the end. I knew I wouldn’t always be there to save him.