Page 48 of The Reaper

I sat back and waited for whoever it was—presumably Rogue—to pass by.

“Rogue always sleeps like the dead,” Rhys whispered. “Why the hell did he pick tonight to be restless?”

“Is it so bad if he heard us? He said himself you needed to get laid.”

“He didn’t mean with you.”

“Will he tell Grant?”

Rhys confused me by smiling. “Are you afraid of my brother?”

“No. Neither of them.”

“If he thinks you’ve hurt me, Rogue is really the one you should be afraid of. He seems sweet now, but remember, he used to go up against angry bulls all the time. He’s not afraid of anything, and he’s willing to die for me.”

“I wouldn’t kill your brother.”

“Really? Not even to defend yourself?”

“I would knock him out, but I wouldn’t kill him.” I could tell Rhys didn’t believe me.

“Go back to your room while he’s downstairs.”

He’d gotten me to spill my family’s secrets, and now he was dismissing me. I yanked on my clothes, furious with him. It wasn’t that I needed this thing between us to be more than just sex, but this was the first time I actually felt used.

Why did that even matter? Hadn’t I used him too? Yes, but it was different when it was about sex. Now I felt like he’d seen more of me than he should without revealing a damn thing about himself.

I walked out the door and closed it quietly behind me.



I’d never had as much trouble focusing on my work in the barn as I did the next morning, not even the day before when I’d been hungover and my body ached from the pounding TJ had given me.

Grant needed to know what was going on with TJ’s family. TJ hadn’t specifically asked me not to say anything to my brothers, but I had no doubt he would resent me sharing anything he’d said. He’d spoken to me like he was making a confession. I’d never expected him to trust me like that, but no matter who he was or how much I resented his presence at the ranch, I never betrayed confidences.

When I’d gotten all the horses fed, Rogue came wandering in, looking like he’d slept even less than I had.

“What’s up with you?”

He glared at me with a raised brow. “I could ask you the same thing. I didn’t sleep well. Someone—and I know it wasn’t Grant—was having noisy-as-hell sex with someone else—who was not Jacob.”


“It sure sounded like it was a good one.”

I pressed my hand to my eyes. I did not want to talk about this, and yet, I needed to. I’d told TJ we weren’t going to tell anyone, but telling Rogue wasn’t the same as telling someone else. We’d never kept secrets from each other—except the one huge secret I had.

Maybe he has one too?

No, he’s so damn open with everyone.

“What are you doing?”

I pushed my hair back from my face. “I wish to God I knew.”

“You like him.”