Page 30 of The Reaper

Rhys closed his eyes and rubbed at his temples. “I feel like shit.”

I ran a hand down his chest. “I bet I could make you feel better.”

He shoved my hand away. “The only way you could make me feel better is if you turned into a bottle of water and some ibuprofen.”

“If you could be a nice boy, I would go get you some.”

“No. Just… Jesus. Just leave me alone.”

“That’s not what you really want.”

He opened his eyes again, and I felt the anger rolling off him.

“Don’t assume anything has changed. You’re still not welcome in the barn.”

“So this—you crying out my name and coming so fucking hard you blacked out—changes nothing?”

“I blacked out because I was fucking wasted.”

I shook my head. “Wow. You’re right. Nothing’s changed at all. I still fucking hate you too. You’re an asshole who thinks he’s too good for men like me. I never really expected you to change, but at least I got you to admit how much you crave my dick.

“I needed someone to fuck, and you were there.”

I rolled over, pinning him to the floor and dragging his arms over his head. He fought me, but I held him there and thrust against him. He was as hard as I was, and he met my thrusts, arching up and rubbing his cock along mine.

“So I’m just convenient? That’s all? That’s why you’d open your legs for me again right now and beg me to fuck you? We could have a lot more fun if you weren’t so damn stubborn. You refuse to see what’s good for you.”

He snarled. “You think you’re good for me?”

“I think my dick is good for you. I’ve never seen you more relaxed than you were after I fucked you.”

“That’s how orgasm works.”

“Uh-huh.” I slid our dicks together again more slowly this time. Rhys sank his teeth into his lower lip, but a moan escaped anyway. “You’re telling me you don’t want more?”

“I—” Our gazes met. Rhys licked his lips, then shook his head.

“I can’t.”

“You could if you were brave enough.”

“Fuck you.” He started fighting again, trying to get out from under me. I let him go before one of us got truly hurt. He was angry enough that I didn’t think he’d refrain from kneeing me in the balls, and that would make me want to choke the life out of him.

“You have no idea what I’ve faced. You grew up with your daddy protecting you, and—”

I moved toward him, no longer concerned if I hurt him or not. “My father fucking hates me. He hates everything about me except when I kill for him.”

Rhys’s eyes widened. For a moment he looked sympathetic, then the anger returned. “Why the hell would he send you here, then? Why would he care if your cousin got to you?”

“I’ve been trying to figure that out ever since I left home. There’s something else going on here, but this isn’t about protecting me. I doubt my father would care if I died. He’d rather have one of my brothers as his heir anyway. So don’t go telling me I’ve had it easy. You have no idea what my life has been like.”

“Well, I guess we have one thing in common. Fucking assholes for fathers.”

I felt the urge to smile. “And you thought we were nothing alike.”

“That’s not much to build on.”

“I’d say we have something else in common. We both like it rough and hard, and we don’t care if we have to fight to get it.”