Page 12 of The Reaper

“How do you know?”

The way he moves. He’s military, and he was trained long before me.

“You can tell just from watching him?”

I hated how much I liked the awe in his voice.

The older man raised his weapon and fired. The shot pinged off the side of the truck. If it had been an inch or two higher, it would have hit Colton.

“Fuck. That was no warning.”

TJ took aim.

“We want him alive if possible.”

“I’ll do what I can.” The shots came too fast. The man was clearly trying to kill us. The blond man fired too, but either he was still giving warnings or he was a terrible shot.

I positioned myself to take the kill shot, but TJ got there before me.

The man dropped to the ground, dead before impact.

I turned to his accomplice, ready to end him too, but he was gone. I studied the woods, looking for movement, but there was nothing to see or hear. It was like the blond man had vanished into thin air. I’d once known a man who could do that. He was with our unit for several years. We called him Ghost. I hadn’t thought anyone else had that level of skill.

Colton started to speak, but I put my finger to my lips. We needed to wait a few moments before we went after the body, and we needed to be prepared for the ghostlike man to return with reinforcements.

* * *

After several minutes with no sign of the blond man or anyone else, I decided it was time to risk retrieving the body.

I motioned for Colton and Madison to wait, and TJ came with me.

He bent down and checked for a pulse, though I was sure there wasn’t one. TJ picked the man up under the arms, and I took his feet.

TJ met my gaze. “You got any plans after this? Because I could sure use an opportunity to blow off some steam.”

“Are you flirting with me over a corpse?”


“What the fuck, TJ?”

“Don’t tell me you think this guy deserves our respect just because he’s dead. I did kill him after all. Are you mourning the asshole? He would have shot you.”

I adjusted my grip. The guy was fucking solid. “No, but… it’s gross.”

“I know you’ve seen worse. This was a very neat kill.”

He was right. TJ had killed him with one small bullet hole through the forehead. Not messy at all.

“Do you have any limits?” I asked.

“Like sexually or…”

“Like does anything bother you?”

“You getting shot would have bothered me. Me getting shot would have bothered me.”

“Jesus. Let’s just get this guy out of here?”