Page 17 of The Nameless Ones

Angel gave him the fucking phone.

‘I heard about De Jaager and the others,’ said Ross. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘You tried,’ said Louis, ‘and for that I’m grateful.’

‘I could have made the call earlier.’

‘I don’t believe it would have changed the outcome. They were marked, and had been for a long time.’

‘What will you do?’ said Ross.

‘Are you asking in your official capacity?’

‘What do you think?’

‘Then you know what I’m going to do,’ said Louis.

‘When do you leave?’


‘I’ll be at the bar of the St. Regis in an hour. Meet me there.’


‘Don’t be obtuse. It won’t benefit you.’

Ross hung up.

‘What did he want?’ said Angel, who had returned to filling his own case.

‘To talk. In person.’

‘Is he going to warn you off?’

Louis carefully folded another white shirt.

‘No,’ he said, ‘I think he wants to help.’

Before departing for the St. Regis, Louis contacted Charlie Parker, who had briefly met De Jaager, Paulus, and Anouk in Amsterdam earlier that year.

‘Do you want me to come with you?’ said Parker. ‘Because I will.’

‘No, or not yet. The offer is appreciated, though. I just thought you’d want to know.’

‘I’m grateful, and sorry, too.’

‘I know, but this isn’t on you or me.’

‘The Zemuns?’ said Parker.

‘Someone involved with them from way back. The Zemuns, it seems, are yesterday’s news.’

Louis told Parker about the imminent meeting with Ross.

‘It won’t hurt to hear what he has to say,’ said Parker.

‘You think he’s acting out of the goodness of his heart?’