The sound of a blade clattering to the floor echoed through the hallway.
She turned to where Gude still stood, arms limp at her side. Devastation had given way to something more fragile on the woman’s face—something painfully akin to hope. Anna could choose to make the woman pay for what she’d done, or she could acknowledge the desperate need to survive.
In the end, she imagined her sisters wouldn’t not want another woman to suffer for Rathbytten.
Anna certainly did not.
“I rule here now. Enulf has pledged himself to me, and together we will not suffer the same ways as Rathbytten.” She held the heart out to Gude and lifted her brows in question. She’d no need for another enemy, and every need of a cook. For she’d found her place. “I invite you to join us. To cook this meal. For I am the mistress of this castle and I will have my feast.”
Chapter Fourteen
Firelight sparkled along the polished table, the air full of spice and the pleasant pungency of the freshly woven rushes dressing the floor. Every candlestick gleamed. Every plate a small, shining moon. Even though the moon had risen and the dark of night had fallen, light had returned to Rathbytten.
Herkingdom. Clean and free, exactly as requested.
With a contented sigh, Anna took her seat at the head of the table in the great hall. Across from her, at the end of its expanse, sat Enulf, looking stronger and straighter than she’d ever imagined possible. In the wake of his brother’s death, his body had healed—not completely, never that—but the constant drain that kept him hunched with pain had vanished, replaced with pleasure in her bed.
Ah, they’d brought such delight into these walls. Found such power in each other.
She lifted her glass of ale in a silent salute.
He returned the gesture.
Between them sat six plates, three on either side. He couldn’t see the mora, but she knew he felt them, knew them—for he’d told her their names; Heloise, Eloenore, Isaure, Rosalinde, Blanche, and Boulotte. Taken from their families since the fall of the golden dragons and used to feed his brother’s over-long life. Now the spirits sat at their places as they’d long deserved, basking in the peace of the hall.
Free, free, free, they whispered, their voices a gleeful chorus.
A succulent piece of meat was placed upon Anna’s place.
She waited until Gude had served every soul at the table, until the cook had returned to her seat in the corner, then she sliced into the delicately cooked meat. Tender, with juices running from the still-red flesh. She put the dainty morsel upon her tongue and chewed. Her eyes closed with satisfaction as rich flavor, laced with power, filled her mouth.
Finally, there was meat upon her table. And were it to run out, she knew exactly where to get more.
She smiled at Enulf and said, “Delicious.”
The End